Emotions in Pearl Harbor Movie Review

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The movie Pearl Harbor is about an emotional moment in history that took place on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese surprised the Americans by their unknown air attack. As a result, this will always remain a reality that forever changed the Americans. The actor Ben Affleck, who stars as Captain Rafe McCawley is portrayed as a young pilot trying to make his way up in the ranks with his childhood friend Josh Hartnett, who stars as First Lieutenant Danny Walker. Both are focused on their careers as pilots, but Captain Rafe wants nothing more than to make a difference in the battle against Britain. He gets the opportunity when he is offered a position to be a pilot.

Kate Beckinsale, left, plays a young nurse taking care of wounded soldiers, and Ben Affleck is the pilot she fell in love with in the movie Pearl Harbor.

While in the process of the getting his mandatory physical required by the Air Force, Captain Rafe meets a young and promising nurse named Evelyn whose role is played by Kate Beckinsale. The relationship has many surprises and changes throughout the film. The film director successfully keeps the audience in suspense and what the outcome of the relationship will be.

Once Captain Rafe is assigned to the Eagle Squadron and shipped overseas to fight in the Battle of Britain, the storyline of the film moves into a more romance filled experience. This is where relationships are tested and tried as if they are holding on by a single string. At this point in the film, we begin to see the many shocking surprises that take place to transform the characters.

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor it was complete chaos. Things were going a million miles per hour and no one knew what to do. Plans were put in place to defend the military base but there was already too much damage to military weapons and ships. Rafe and Danny, two very skilled pilots, get two planes in the air to defend the base. Everyone is fighting back but after the damage is done the causalities are overwhelming. The attack can be described as shooting fish in a barrel because the base was not prepared to defend itself at that moment.

The aftermath of the attack led to many wounded soldiers that needed immediate medical care. Evelyn is working as a nurse to save as many lives as she can. With so much going on at once it seems impossible to help everyone. Things slowly start to wind down and the Americans begin their plan of attack. While working with other pilots to learn the skills to attack the Japanese with two times the force and power. Here we see how the attack has a lasting effect on each character and how things turn out differently than expected.

Some of the pilots learning from their captain’s words on how to fly a plane off sea carriers.

I rate this film a 4 star. I feel like the producers Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer did a great job showing how that day affected everyone in all the many areas of the military. The writer Randall Wallace put the words together seamlessly to make for a movie script that allows viewers to feel the emotion through the words, and how the film comes to the end. This film is action packed with romance, drama, and explosions that will leave the viewer on the edge of their seat.

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Emotions in Pearl Harbor Movie Review. (2021, Jun 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/emotions-in-pearl-harbor-movie/



Is Pearl Harbor a love story?
No, Pearl Harbor is not a love story. It is a historical drama film that dramatizes the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
Is Pearl Harbor movie historically accurate?
No, the movie is not historically accurate.
What is the theme of the movie Pearl Harbor?
The theme of the movie Pearl Harbor is the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath.
Who falls in love in Pearl Harbor?
Dream Boogie was written by Langston Hughes in the early 1950s. It is a poem about the power of music and how it can bring people together.
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