Beneath the Surface: Unpacking Gender Norms in ‘Girl’ by Jamaica Kincaid

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In the literary world, brevity can often resonate just as profoundly, if not more so, than an extensive novel. Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl,” a brief yet powerful short story, is a testament to this. With every line, Kincaid paints a vivid picture of a mother’s intricate instructions to her daughter. At a first glance, “Girl” may simply seem to be a list of dos and don’ts, but a deeper exploration reveals it as a poignant critique of societal gender norms and expectations.

The Societal Mirror:

“Girl” is a mere one sentence, but it spans across multiple lines and covers a broad spectrum of advice, from domestic tasks like how to wash clothes to deeply personal and societal expectations such as how a ‘respectable’ woman should behave. The repeated refrain of “this is how” that echoes throughout the piece underscores the meticulous nature of the guidelines, hinting at a larger societal expectation that is deeply ingrained.

The mother’s advice, though possibly well-intentioned, is anchored in a society that confines women to roles that are both domestic and submissive. There’s an evident focus on maintaining a particular image or reputation, as the mother constantly alludes to what “they” might think or say. For instance, the warning against “squatting down to play marbles—you are not a boy, you know” suggests that certain behaviors are only deemed appropriate based on one’s gender. It is clear that the mother fears judgment and the societal repercussions of her daughter failing to conform.

Layered Messages:

The underlying tone of the mother’s voice also suggests a deeper fear; a fear for her daughter’s safety, reputation, and future. One could argue that she is not just instructing, but also preparing her daughter for a world that may not be kind to independent women or those who defy societal norms. When the mother says, “this is how to behave in the presence of men who don’t know you very well,” she is hinting at the vulnerability of women in the presence of unfamiliar men. The instructions move beyond the domestic sphere and touch upon the inherent dangers and challenges women face in society.

Yet, amidst these cautionary directives, there is also a glimpse of rebellion and resistance. The daughter’s voice, though infrequent, challenges the mother’s mandates. With lines like “but I don’t sing benna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school,” the daughter not only clarifies but subtly pushes back against some of the assumptions and expectations imposed upon her.


“Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid is a masterful tapestry of societal expectations, gender norms, maternal concern, and the subtle rebellion of the younger generation. In the span of a single, extended sentence, Kincaid manages to encapsulate the weight of tradition and the yearning for individuality. The beauty of “Girl” lies in its ability to be both specific to the Caribbean cultural context and universally resonant. It stands as a poignant reminder of the nuanced complexities of gender, societal expectations, and the age-old tensions between generations.


  1. Kincaid, J. (1983). At the Bottom of the River. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  2. Ferguson, M. (1994). Colonialism and Gender Relations from Mary Wollstonecraft to Jamaica Kincaid: East Caribbean Connections. Columbia University Press.
  3. Paravisini-Gebert, L. (1999). Jamaica Kincaid: A Critical Companion. Greenwood Press.

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Beneath the Surface: Unpacking Gender Norms in ‘Girl’ by Jamaica Kincaid. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/beneath-the-surface-unpacking-gender-norms-in-girl-by-jamaica-kincaid/

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