Analysis of Any Tan’s “Mother Tongue”

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“Mother Tongue” author of Amy Tan (1993) is to press that true that someone cannot tell the English diction to maturity, that does not in any journey force them less cognizant than someone who is innate in this rural and explains and pronounce English fluently. Amy Tan– “Mother Tongue” p. 96. Unmistakably the proposition is about how Amy tan features we talk diverse dialects unwittingly and that we are classified by the way we talk. The writer is an anecdotal author who is ‘interested by dialect in everyday life’ and utilizations dialect as a day by day part of her work as an essayist. In sections 2 and 3 on p. 97, she glances back at the encounters that made her understood the diverse kinds of ‘Englishes’ she employments. The first occasion when she wound up mindful of this was when giving a discussion about her book, The Joy Club in paragraph 3 on p. 97, she saw her mom in the crowd and she understood that she had been utilizing scholarly dialect gained from books, a dialect she had never utilized with her mom.

So yes, I would say she gives full details on what the main thesis is about in Amy Tan– “Mother Tongue” p. 96-99., In conclusion, “Mother Tongue” p. 96 author of Amy Tan (1993) , the main message with a memorable thought is when the Author Amy Tan (1990) said ‘ I began to write stories using all the Englishes I grew up with: the English I spoke to my mother, which for lack of a better term used might be described as ‘simple’;’ p. 99, also she said  “ I wanted to capture what language ability tests can never reveal: her intent, her passion, her imagery, the Rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts” by Author Amy Tan– “Mother Tongue” p. 96-99.

Therefore, the author does summarize is details properly Because she is mainly trying to tell us, it is obvious that her mother played a key role in her life. Tan’s initial resentment for her mother and her “broken” English develop into an understanding with age. The shift into understanding for her mother’s language is shown through the truth that she finds her mother completely coherent when she speaks and even speaks as she does when they are together. Tan also mentions how her mother is the most expressive person she knows, which I find to be one of the main reasons why Tan was so shaped by her mother’s use of the English language. This leads to the most important point of the essay: language is not about the actual words we say, but what we mean by them. They do not have to be expressed perfectly to convey the importance, and sometimes being too conscientious of diction. In your own Opinion do think Amy Tan’s title “Mother Tongue” clearly tells you what the main idea is going to be about?

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Analysis of Any Tan’s “Mother Tongue”. (2022, Oct 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/analysis-of-any-tans-mother-tongue/

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