A Life Example of O’Connor and Esterik Anorexia

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O’Connor and Esterik (2008) explain anorexia in terms of as an activity in their study. O’Connor’s daughter was suffering from anorexia when she was a teenager. After her recovering, Becca said that she could not understand why anorexia attracted her. Becca believes it was her desire to have a perfect body. In order to reach her goal, the girl refused eating enough and started exercising a lot. In addition, Becca did not have any extra kilos and everyone tried to reassure her that she was skinny enough. The girl remained positive, energetic and satisfied with her achievements until she was diagnosed with anorexia.

The authors of the article conducted a research and interviewed a lot of anorexics. Their cases were similar to that of Becca. The thing was that anorexia appeared not because of the lack of food and excessive exercises. The data in the article show that these cases of anorexia are not merely because of women’s desire for beauty. Anorexia was diagnosed among men as well. However, they did not refuse eating food intentionally; it happened accidentally. There are several steps that lead to anorexia. However, the last step remains mysterious and no one can exactly say when anorexia comes.

McCartney (2011) in her article talks about children’s anorexia. Statistics mentioned in the article tells that 600 13-year-old children had to remain in hospitals where they were going under the treatment from eating disorders. In addition, 197 children of the age from 5 to 7 were diagnosed with eating disorder. The reason for such statistics can be a new acclaimed trend of being thin. It happens all the time that children watch at their idols and try to do everything in order to look the same as their favorite stars.

Rachel Bryant-Waugh is a psychologist and works in feeding ad eating disorder service. She says that facts about children’s anorexia in the age of 5 years are astonishing and perhaps there was a kind of misunderstanding. It is a normal thing that children of this age group have problems with eating and a low weight, but other reasons cause such behavior. For example, gastrointestinal problems or psychological factors. However, it does not mean that these children have anorexia or bulimia.

There is not enough terminology in medicine to describe this situation. Mark Berelowitz divides eating disorders into two groups. The first group involves EDNOS, anorexia, bulimia and the second involves eating disorders of early childhood. The only possible conclusion in this situation is that mass media receives the information it needs and interprets it in a wrong way.

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A Life Example of O’Connor and Esterik Anorexia. (2022, Sep 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-life-example-of-oconnor-and-esterik-anorexia/

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