A Comparative Analysis of Endings and Structures in Dvorak’s New World Symphony and Sibelius’s Violin Concerto

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Dvorak and Sibelius, as composers have much in common in regards to their musical masterworks, but at the same time, Dvorak’s New World Symphony differs greatly from Sibelius’s Violin Concerto, Dvorak’s Symphony and Sibelius’s concerto differ through structure, style and symphonic size, but come together as masterpieces through their dramatic, lively endings and rondo note structures. The Structure of Dvorak’s New World Symphony follows an AABB format where the piece begins at a moderate pace, slows down and then increases in speed as time goes on Sibelius’s Violin Concerto, on the other hand, follows an ABB format in that it begins linearly, slowly increasing in speed overtime Dvorak’s symphony begins in Adagio at a moderately slow pace and then transitions into Largo slowing the pace further.

At the halfway point of Dvorak‘s symphony there is a shift in speed as the symphony transitions into Scherzo becoming more vigorous, light and playful. The piece finally shifts into Allegro con fuoco comes where the symphony is sent into a frenzy breathing life into the audience as it is played with great vigor and tremendous speed, Sibelius’s Violin Concerto begins in Allegro Moderato at a moderate pace then transitions into Adagio di molto, quickening in pace. Within the third act of the piece, there is a transition into Allegro ma nontanto where the pace becomes lively and even fasten Considering performers, Dvorak‘s piece is performed by a unified orchestra, whereas Sibelius’s piece is performed by an orchestra and a solo violinist, in which the two compete. Both pieces are brought together through their rondo note structures and dramatic endings utilizing repetition and speed to conclude dramatically with coup de grace, leaving audiences in breathless awe.

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A Comparative Analysis of Endings and Structures in Dvorak’s New World Symphony and Sibelius’s Violin Concerto. (2023, Apr 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-comparative-analysis-of-endings-and-structures-in-dvoraks-new-world-symphony-and-sibeliuss-violin-concerto/

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