Who is Servant Leader Essay

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“A leader is great, not because of his power but because of his ability to empower others (John Maxwell).”

The purpose is that servant leaders want to serve and to make sure that people’s needs are being served. The belief is that when people feel valued, they value what they do, and will then produce better work. The ideal leader uses their power to build trust with their followers.

Nehemiah, the Israelite leader, displays different traits of a Servant Leader within the biblical book, Nehemiah. Book of Nehemiah sets out on a search to make the town of the national capital and also the wall that surrounds his beloved home. Throughout now, he encounters several obstacles and can overcome all barricades in place before him. The two significant events of Nehemiah’s servant were building the wall around national capital and organizing Jerusalem’s folks to make the town.

Two leadership models and supply specific examples for every model that may be presented; Servant Leadership and Transformational Leadership and also the behaviors to model if one intends to be a Servant Leader.

Nehemiah’s gift of speaking evokes the displaced individuals of Jerusalem, to comprehend the potential of town. Nehemiah provides decisive responses to the issues he can face, and his altruistic behavior is for the great of Jerusalem. Nehemiah’s data of coordinating building comes, and at the identical time, managing opposition on several fronts shows the structure qualities he possesses.

The first event is that the building of the wall up the book of Nehemiah; this passage describes, however, the individuals of Jerusalem came along to make the wall. Nehemiah aligns individuals by knowing the particular skills of the people and the exploitation of those skills to participate in the construction. Nehemiah will organize and encourage skillful artisans to figure aboard common laborers, shows the extent of commitment Nehemiah was ready to gain from the individuals. Also, Nehemiah assigns family merely comes outside their homes, causing the message cooperation can reach our duty. One in all the most reason Nehemiah is straightforward to induce to as a pacesetter is for there have been no undisguised miracles; no separation of the sea, no angel showing, he didn’t walk on water. Instead, Nehemiah was a person WHO had passion, WHO was a tough employee, prayed to his God, met disapproval and created onerous leadership selections. Nehemiah was humble, he high (hierarchic) within the Kingdom of Artaxerxes. He was cupbearer to the King.

Nonetheless, he understood the situation of his role And arrived in Jerusalem solely with the animal he was riding, once he may have asked the King for several additional men to assist him and escort him back. In 2:4 when King Artaxerxes inquiries Nehemiah about his unhappiness, Nehemiah fires up a quick prayer to God for assistance before replying. Nehemiah wrote: “I prayed to the God of heaven (NIV).”

He also was compassionate, once he learned of the suffering of his folks, he sat down and cried, and he mourned for days, fasting and praying for his brothers and sisters in Jerusalem. In Nehemiah 1:4 (NIV) afterward hearing about the destruction of his birthplace, Jerusalem, he writes: “I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven (.” In 1:5-10 (NIV), he records his heartfelt prayer in which he asks God to act on behalf of the city of Jerusalem.

However, most of all he was strong (strength), and he had courage after being confronted with naysayers and even potential attacks from those outside the town, he commands the folks together, spoke with strength and determination and confidence, and also taught those building the wall to own a spear in one hand and a tool within the other! In 6:9 (NIV), Nehemiah asks God for strength when meeting unfriendliness: “But now, O God, strengthen my hands .”

The servant leader relies on intuition creativity. One of my favorite quotations is ‘Others will depend on the nurse manager to go out ahead and show the way because his or her judgment will be better than most. Leaders, therefore, must be more innovative than most; and imagination is mostly found, thrust into the unknown and the unfamiliar. Now and then a leader finds himself or herself needing to think like a researcher, an artist, or a composer.

Implementing servant leadership into healthcare can give us insight on how to use servant-leadership qualities by providing the people’s guidelines to follow to achieve their goals. Some essential points on how to be a true servant-leader. One definition that I found for a servant-leader is that these individuals place the serving of others as the number one priority. Servant leaders are drawn to a purpose greater than themselves and are great listeners that have empathy for the well- being of others.

The nurse manager in today’s health care field has a substantial role in providing a healthy working environment. A healthy working environment is a basis for safe and better patient outcomes. A dynamic working environment in a unit depends on the encouragement, inspiration, and authentication from the nurse manager and the leaders in every way. Therefore as a nurse manager in the group, the change I wish to initiate is the safe staffing patterns. Safe staffing patterns are always crucial for safe working environments to deliver excellent patient care. ‘Staffing and scheduling mean providing an adequate staff mix to meet the needs of the patients (Grohar-Murray & Langan, 2011).’ Nurse Manager should understand how to schedule and skill mix to make available adequate staffing and healthier patient care. Skill mix offers material about the appropriate use of nurses regarding workload shared among RNs, LPNs and CNAs (Chin, 2013).”

A spiritually generative culture happens when individuals center on self-awareness for themselves, others, and the hierarchical frameworks that make conceivable the development. Studies recommend that while profound generative learning fulfills corporate individuals, this culture could make supporters end up aloof to the extreme condition. The key drivers that worker pioneers drove with are esteeming individuals, creating individuals, building a network, showing realness and sharing initiative. The likely results of utilizing these skills could be higher for gifted individuals, more moral individuals, better communicators, solid relational connections, a formation of shared dreams, and clear objectives. Unchanging Environment is portrayed by an absence of development or change in the totality of encompassing conditions. The hireling initiative culture better serves more static or settled situations. The Servant leadership’s idea is by all accounts more effective in a static circumstance. ‘For instance, not-revenue driven, volunteer and religious associations frequently work in a more settled condition and pull in representatives who look for open doors for self-awareness, sustaining, and mending. The commonness of each awesome group is TRUST. Every part needs to assume that the other individual in their group will do their part. They should ‘manufacture their piece of the wall.’ A group with minimal trust is broken.

Likewise, our health care systems (or any other initiative) need leaders who can articulate a vision, gather resources, put together a plan, recruit the right people, execute the plan, overcome resistance, communicate what’s going on, and sustain the momentum. Ideas and strategies should be brought together in a spirit of humility and prayer, and you can be a Nehemiah to your people.

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Who is Servant Leader Essay. (2022, Jun 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/who-is-servant-leader-essay/

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