Where does merengue originate from?

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The Merengue Dance is the national dance of the Dominica republic but also extends to Haiti. There are a few hypotheses that clarify the origin of merengue, yet none of them have yet been affirmed. Some say that this style advanced comparably with African, European, and Central American components and highlights. It was created as a kind of country music in the Caribbean district, and furthermore is the social character and national image of the Dominican Republic. There is two versions of how merengue came about the first one goes back to slavery days where the slaves were forced to drag one because they were chained together and the second one speaks about a village hero who was wounded and was welcome back home to a victory celebration out of sympathy they all dances because they felt obligated to the limo and drag one foot. The merengue as united the people of Dominica through trials and many celebrations within their ethnicities.

The women’s costumes are usually tight-fitting and colorful and men typically wear standard dark slacks with their shirts button down. The women’s costumes are revealing but it’s to show off the dance movements and compliment the liveliness of their music. The merengue dance video was being performed on a stage at East Carolina University’s S.A.L.S.A. “3rd Annual Noche de Baile. The merengue can be performed both inside and outside at festivals social gatherings so it is not always performed inside. The merengue is a couple’s dance but can be performed by anyone.

Salsa is a move and a melodic style with the profound Caribbean and African roots. It is extremely prominent in all Latin America and among Latino groups in the United States. Salsa came about in the 1900s in Eastern Cuba, where melodic components and rhythms from different styles were consolidated. Cuban Son and Afro-Cuban rumba, the two fundamental styles, utilized differing melodic instruments to make the premise of a beat that would later end up known as salsa. The salsa is a representation of the mixture of Latino musical genres. The underlying foundations of salsa began in Eastern Cuba (Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo) from the Cuban Son (around 1920) and Afro-Cuban move (like Afro-Cuban rumba). The salsa linked the growth of the Hispanic communities and is a symbol of pride and identity among the Hispanic community.

The men wear slick shirts in colors like red, black or white and black or dark brown loose-fitting pants. Women wear shiny sequined bikini dress with usually bright and flashy sometimes dark colors are worn to hide sweat colors black and red is the most popular among them. Dancers typically wear lightweight flexible shoes that have leather or suede soles. The salsa video dance was being performed on a stage by two world salsa champions which look to be like and completion. The salsa dance can be performed inside or outside. The salsa is usually a partner dance but can also be performed solo. It is performed by men and women and the male typically leads. Salsa can be improvised or performed with a set routine, choreography and freestyle.

It was when salsa got to the city of New York it became popular. Early settlers in New York took the salsa dance with them and spread the popularity and gave the rise to sub-styles like Cali style, LA style and the Cuban style it then became a favorite and often appeared in a restaurant, festivals and night clubs.

Salsa and merengue originate from a similar background. Also, they have very similar roots from well as movement. Both salsa and merengue have African impacts which assume a critical job in the advancement of these two kinds. Salsa concentrates principally on the words, and they express social and political substances. The salsa two-step dance is in slow beat in four, spins and the turns. The merengue moves are fast to the point that is difficult to get on the rhythm. In salsa, the song is slower, yet in the greater part of meringues, the music goes quicker. I enjoyed doing this assignment I would love to learn how to do the salsas it just looks really fun but overall these to too great dance genre which the same root of choreography.

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Where does merengue originate from?. (2021, Mar 01). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/where-does-merengue-originate-from/

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