True Story of Rosa Parks

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Most people have heard of Rosa Parks being the woman who refused to give up her seat to a white male after a long, hard day of work. Most people also believe that she is the one person who started the Montgomery Bus Boycott Movement. However, the majority of people are told the false interpretation about the story of Rosa Parks and who she actually was.

Lets begin with the initial story about Rosa Parks people are taught in school. Most people think Rosa Parks, a woman in Montgomery, Alabama worked a normal minimum wage job day to day being exhausted at the end of the day. Then after getting on a bus after a long hard day of work, she was approached by a white male asking her to move to the back of the bus because he wanted her seat. Which she refused to do so. This resulted in her arrest and establishing the Montgomery Bus Boycott Movement. Though in some aspects this is true; however, Rosa Parks wasn’t a normal working woman with a normal job, and she wasn’t the first woman to refuse her seat on a bus. There were numerous aspects revolving around the movement and what was actually going on.

Rosa Parks was actually an anti-segregation activist, secretary of the NAACP which is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and she has been involved in civil-rights training according to her biography. Parks spent “decades pushing for voter registration, seeking justice for black victims of white brutality and sexual violence, supporting wrongfully accused black men, and pressing for desegregation of schools and public spaces”. All before her famous arrest. Although she did have one normal job as a seamstress, this was the least importance of her duties.

People initially think Rosa Parks herself was the only person who started the movement. But what people are also unaware of is that there were black women long before her refusing to give up their seats to white people. Before Rosa Parks was even arrested she was raising money to release other black women who’d been arrested after refusing to give up a seat or stand. She herself had been refusing long before her initial famous arrest. That last time she refused is what then sparked the movement. She wasn’t the only one who started the movement, there were many events leading up to that famous arrest with the help of others along the way.

Now after the Montgomery Bus Boycott Movement and the Modern Civil Rights movement, people are not informed about the other things she has accomplished. Not many people even know she then became the first woman in U.S history to successfully use self defense against a sexual assault in a homicide case. And how she continued to “press for change in the criminal justice system, in school and housing inequality, in jobs and welfare policy and in foreign policy” according to the Washington Post.

In conclusion, people are not aware of the true story about Rosa Parks and who she actually was. Rosa Parks has been a part of many anti-segregational movements with the help of others which contributed to her success. She is considered to be one of the most influential women in history, but her story is wrongfully told.

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True Story of Rosa Parks. (2021, Mar 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/true-story-of-rosa-parks/

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