Travelling Shaped Me as a Person

  • Updated July 25, 2023
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Ever since I was little, I have always been fond of travelling. It may have been because I was fascinated in exploring new places and seeing things from a different perspective. Over the course of seventeen years, I have been to many places. I have been as far south as South America and across the world to places like London and the Middle East. I have even been to islands like the Bahamas and Cozumel. I have seen many exciting things and I have learned a lot about the world. I have met people who speak different languages, and I have tried a variety of foods which I never thought I would try.

One place that I always enjoy going to is India. I am of Indian descent and am a daughter of two immigrants. My family and I go to India every two years. Every time I go to India, I learn something new about my culture. For example, two years ago, I went to the Pakistan and India border. Before the border was created, India used to be called Bharat and it was very large. However, after fights between Muslims and Hindus, Bharat was then separated into Pakistan and India.

After visiting the border, I spoke with my grandparents and how they had to leave what is now Pakistan and move to India. They had to leave their home and their friends. They could only take what they could carry and as they were forced to move, people took their things, and my grandparents had nothing when they reached India. They had to start from scratch. This made me realize how privileged and how lucky I am to be living in a world where that does not happen. This has shaped who I am as a person as I am now more thoughtful and I am willing to help anyone who goes through hardships.

Along with learning new cultures, I have seen people’s lives in other countries. Everytime when I am visiting India, I see little kids sitting on the side of the streets barely wearing clothes. When I am in the car, these children bang on cars and beg for money because that is all they can do. I have also seen similar things like this in the Middle East. Usually, I see this in the United States with adults, but I have never seen it with children. This has changed my perspective in life, and I know that I am fortunate and I have many things that a lot of people do not have. This has made me grateful for what I have, and I do not get mad when I do not get something that I wanted.

Travelling has shaped my identity in many different ways. I am now more mature as a person and I know that many people have gone through numerous hardships that remind me I should not be upset about my small problems. Even though there are many other perks to travelling like going to the beach and sightseeing, I will never forget what I learned from travelling and how it shaped me as a person.


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Travelling Shaped Me as a Person. (2021, Oct 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/travelling-shaped-me-as-a-person/

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