The Pros and Cons of a Career in Pediatrics

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Goals Paper

My career goal in Iife is not simple. When I dream, I dream big. My goal in life for my career is to become a pediatrician. I chose this career because it combines my two passions of children and helping people. The bonus is that it pays very well. Pediatrics is a career choice that chooses you; you don’t choose it. Each pediatrician is different, but all have a certain way of doing things. Pediatrics is the care of infants, children, teens, and young adults.

Pediatricians provide primary care and take care of general health needs for children. The bonus specified about my career paying well is a big bonus. The median salary for most pediatricians is $167,640 per year. The Georgia Career information System said the following about pediatricians: “Wages vary by employer, years of experience, and hours worked. The doctor’s skill, personality, and professional reputation also affect wages. Self-employed pediatricians generally earn more than those wiho are not self-employed. Pediatricians usually receive benefits.

Typical benefits include sick leave, paid vacation, health insurance, and a retirement plan. Pediatricians who are self-employed must provide their own insurance and retirement plan [1]” Some of the degree requirements are also talked about by the GCIS as this: “To work as a pediatrician, you typically need to: have a high school diploma or GED; have a bachelors degree; graduate from medical school; complete an internship; pass a state licensing exam; complete a residency program in pediatrics; and pass additional exams to become board certified [2].”The reason that I gravitated towards the pediatrics was a mystery to me for the longest. At first, I thought I watched too much Grey’s Anatomy and that my brain automatically was like, “Hey that looks cool. Let’s do that.” I’ve come to find out though that this isn’t the reason. I gravitated towards this career because it was my true passion. I’m not sayingI don’t have other passions, but this I feel is just the right fit for me.

My personal satisfaction from the career would be helping people become better and healthier, even though this isn’t the case with other doctors. Some assumptions made about the career is that you have to do surgery a the actual career. You don’t actually have to, but you can if you choose to. Some qualities that I possess that suits this career is my organization, attention to detail, and personable personality. All of these will contribute to my career success. My personal position after analyzing the career pros and cons are that this career for me is difficult to handle. Some pros are the great pay, the great benefits, the fact get to do what I love. Some of the cons are the years put into school, the money put into the career before I get paid, and the fact of when I do residency, I will have to perform surgery. My main pro is the fact that it is my passion. This is the only thing that keeps my striving to become one every day. My main con is the possibility, or more like assurance, that during my residency I will have to perform surgery. I don’t like the constant knowing of someone’s life in my hands.

I feel as though I would crack under pressure and lose myself. In the “Real World interview” from the GCIS database, they interviewed Dr. Ruth Kim. She explained that it’s okay to know your boundaries, and to know your strengths. After all of this, I believe my mind is fully made up on what I want to do. In conclusion, based off of all this research, I know my outcome will be good. expect to graduate from medical school and finish my residency by the time I turn twenty six. I hope that my salary per year will be over the median salary of pediatricians. I expect to own my own general practice, by the time I’m thirty. Throughout all of this though,I hope to be changing lives through my journey ahead.


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The Pros and Cons of a Career in Pediatrics. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-a-career-in-pediatrics/

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