Superheroes Animated Movie “The Incredibles”

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For the main goal of the assignment is to analyze the movie I chose, also relate it to my knowledge of sociology, especially identify the type of family/marriage, also the relationships between work and family. The animated movie I chose for this individual assignment is ‘The Incredibles’ (2004), which is made by Pixar, about a traditional homosexual, monogamy family dynamic (Parr’s). In Parr’s family, it is pretty obvious for us that it is also an endogamy family, since both of the parents got superpowers, and they are the same ethnicity or . There are two parents, Mr. Incredibles (Graig) and Mrs. Incredibles (Holly) and three children, each one of them are named Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack. In this family, each member has their own superpower. the family as an evolving dynamic.

Mr. Incredible and Mrs. Incredible’s superpowers perfectly symbolized how they are as working parents, Mr. Incredible, he has super strength, which represents that he supports and being strong for his family, also by using his super strength to protect his children. On the other hand, Mrs. Incredible has the superpower of elasticity, just like other working moms, she is trying her best to become flexible and try to hold the family together, but at the same time, while she is trying to hold everyone together, she is stressing herself out at the same time, it is always hard to balance family and work.

According to Hochschild :“…the three factors that lead to a speed up in work and family life include the increasing number of women working outside the home” most of the time, women’s jobs are usually lack of flexibility, just like in the movie, when Mrs. Incredible gets a phone call saying she got a mission to accomplish, then she would need to get changed into her super suit and go out immediately, and the increased hours for both men and women at work, more than ever before, thus, work-family like Mr. Incredible and Mrs.Incredible all need to have more quality time with their family outside their work. But sometimes, they would have some fights at home because they are stressed out from their missions and all, especially when in episode two, superheroes became illegal and it is hard for them to use it again in public, then they start to fight a lot at home, especially for some small things, such as when their son does not want to eat broccolis.

Hochschild thought she was going to find that parents would rather spend more time at home to relax with their kids, than to be at work, since home is more relaxed compared to work. But in reality, Hochschild found out that when parents already end a tiring day a work and still have to face their children who are going to demand more time from them, sometimes home becomes a place full of conflicts and flights, and parents would find children to be too demanding at the same time. Parents end up like to be at work more. But that is more like a toxic cycle for the relationships of the family, because in order to make the relationship between family members, the best way is to spend more time together.

In the end of the movie, the Parr’s family sorted things out and won the fight with the criminals, made superheroes legal again because they all worked together as a team, and they started to realize how important and good family is. It is important to have and find work-family balance, in order to avoid the reverse emotional cultures of work and home.

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Superheroes Animated Movie “The Incredibles”. (2021, Oct 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/superheroes-animated-movie-the-incredibles/

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