Horse Behavior

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Wild and domesticated horses have similar and different behaviors. Wild horses have no stalls, no food from humans, no trailers, no veterinarians, and an open range of land. Wild horses tend to be shy. When you approach a wild horse, you must use caution. Wild horses stand on dunes to look out for each other. The advantage of standing on dunes is that the breeze keeps insects away.

Wild horses have an alpha. The alpha leads the herd. A stallion and his mare scratch the back and neck of each other. This behavior is when two may know each other well also called mutual grooming. When a stallion’s ear is part way back he is showing his concentration. Horses use their noses to detect pheromones. This is done by closing their nasal passages with rising their head in the air and with their upper lip. Wild horses have aggressive behavior.

For example, when a horse is nose to nose the horse is thinking what to do next by sniffing noses. Horses can threaten each other by pinning their ears back and tightening their lips. Horses have a threating kick they kick with their hind legs. When there is a conflict a horse can strike the ground by stomping their leg hard or almost in a scrapping movement. Wild horses inflict dangerous blows and strike at each other.

Wild horses have a stronger sense of self-survival. Wild horses learn from other horses they have not been taught bad behavior or been abused or spoiled by humans. Throughout their lives, horses meet some type of interaction with another animal. It can be very subtle or it can be who’s more dominant. Wild horses have curiosity they because aware of everything in the wild. Since wild horses have not been with any human, they look up and watch everything you are doing. Curiosity is in domesticated horses too. They question or get afraid of everything you do like walking toward them. Domestic horses are usually in stalls.

Sometimes horses can develop weaving from being bored or excess energy. This can lead to weight loss or poor performance and weakened tendons. Stall kicking maybe a result of boredom from being in a stall for to long. For a domestic horse, anything could be a danger to them. They use their fright and flight response. Spooking the horse may result in leaping away from an object. Domestic horses use grooming for social and practical purposes. A mare will groom her foal to bond with it.

Domestic horses will retain their natural basic instants. Domestic and wild horses have similarities. First, both with in their herd find a favorite partner. Wild and domestic horses are alert of their surroundings, intelligent and curious. Wild and domestic horse’s ears say a lot about what they are about to do. When they are forward the horse is alert, paying attention and is interested in what is around him. When the ears are turned out to the side the horse is relaxed and may not be attuned to what is going on.

If a horse’s ears are tuned back the horse is listening to what is behind him and may decide whether are not to run away or turn around and check out the sound. The horse’s eyes say a lot about what they are about to do. When there is tension there might be signs of stress, fear, or discomfort. When horses tail is raised they are energized enough. In conclusion, wild and domestic horses are curious and wise. Both use flight or fight response and have similar but different behaviors.


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Horse Behavior. (2021, Aug 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/horse-behavior/



How do you know if a horse likes you?
If a horse likes you, it will usually be relaxed around you and may even nuzzle you. If a horse is scared of you or doesn't like you, it will usually try to move away from you.
How do you read a horse's behavior?
Horses are social animals and communicate through body language. You can read a horse's behavior by watching their ears, eyes, and tail.
What behaviors do horses have?
Horses are social animals and live in herds. They are also very curious and love to explore their surroundings.
What is normal horse behaviour?
A healthy horse Is alert and inquisitive, sociable with other horses, and take part in normal herd behaviours such as mutual grooming sessions .
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