The Awakening Essay Examples

10 essay samples on this topic

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Analysis of “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin

Pages 3 (513 words)


The Awakening

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Symbolism in “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin

Pages 7 (1 604 words)



The Awakening

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Sexual Injustice in “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin

Pages 7 (1 603 words)


The Awakening

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The Awakening: Death by Water

Pages 6 (1 260 words)


The Awakening

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Comparison of “The Awakening” and “The Scarlet Letter”

Pages 7 (1 508 words)


The Awakening

The Scarlet Letter

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Theme of Gender and Social Criticism in “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin

Pages 5 (1 067 words)


The Awakening

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“The Awakening” Character Comparison

Pages 3 (634 words)


The Awakening

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The Awakening of Edna 

Pages 6 (1 419 words)


The Awakening

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“The Awakening” and “A Respectable Woman” by Kate Chopin Analytical Essay

Pages 3 (591 words)


The Awakening

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Edna Pontellier in “The Awakening”

Pages 5 (1 005 words)


The Awakening

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A Mother-woman Role in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

A Psychoanalytical Approach to the Awakening

A Study of Edna Pontillier’s Feeling Towards Love and Lust in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Ambiguity in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Analysis of The Awakening as an Anti Feminist Novel

Character Relations In The Awakening Research

Character’s Nature in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Chopin’s Novel The Awakening and Edna Character

Clothing in the Awakening

Compare and Contrast the Male Creole characters in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

Comparison of Realism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Different Women Roles in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Edna Pontellier in The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Edna Victoria’s Ending in The Awakening

Edna’s Predicament in The Awakening

Extramarital affairs in the Awakening

Feminist Narratology in Kate Chopin’s the Awakening

Houses as Motif: Kate Chopins the Awakening

How The Сharacter of Edna Pontellier Has Developed in The Awakening

Kate Chopin and the Awakening

Kate Chopin, the Awakening

Protagonists’ Action of Sexuality in Lust by Susan Minot and The Awakening by Kate Chopin

Psychological Discoveries in The Awakening

Pygmalion and the Awakening

Symbolism in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

Symbols in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

The Analysis of Mystical and Maternal of The Sea from Chopin’s The Awakening

The Awakening – Personality Developments

The Awakening by Chopin Kate Overview

The Awakening by Kate Chopin

The Awakening by Kate Chopin Annotated Bibliography

The Awakening by Kate Chopin: a Journey of Self-discovery

The Awakening Deconstruction

The Awakening of a Spoiled American Girl: College Admission Essay Sample

The Awakening of The American Spirit in Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving

The Awakening Research Paper Edna

The Awakening Research Paper The Process

The Bombing of Pearl Harbor and The Awakening of America

The Concept of The Love Triangle and Its Effects on The Choices of Edna in Robert Lee Mahon’s Article About Kate Chopin’s The Awakening


Kate Chopin

originally published

April 22, 1899


The Awakening is a novel by Kate Chopin, first published in 1899. Set in New Orleans and on the Louisiana Gulf coast at the end of the 19th century, the plot centers on Edna Pontellier and her struggle ...


Novel by Kate Chopin

Pages: 303

Text: The Awakening at Wikisource

Genres: Novel, Novella, Reference work, Psychological Fiction

Edna Pontellier Edna is the protagonist of the novel, and the “awakening” to which the title refers is hers. The twenty-eight-year-old wife of a New Orleans businessman, Edna suddenly finds herself dissatisfied with her marriage and the limited, conservative lifestyle that it allows.

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