Symbolism Essay Examples

41 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Symbolism In “The Snow Child’’ Analytical Essay

Pages 5 (1 088 words)

American Literature


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The Symbolism In Paul’s Case Analytical Essay

Pages 4 (984 words)

American Literature


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Symbolism In Theme of Loss of Civilization

Pages 4 (965 words)

American Literature


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O’Brien’s Symbolism In The Stockings

Pages 4 (810 words)

American Literature


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Symbolism in Pilgrim’s Progres

Pages 3 (504 words)

American Literature


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Symbolism in The Catcher In The Rye

Pages 2 (446 words)

American Literature


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Symbolism In Art

Pages 2 (383 words)



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Symbolism of Blood in Religious Art

Pages 3 (706 words)



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Symbolism In The Book “On the Come Up” Analytical Essay

Pages 3 (507 words)

American Literature


Theme In Literature

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Humanity’s Struggle: Unearthing Deeper Meanings through Symbols in “Lord of the Flies”

Pages 3 (596 words)

Lord of the Flies


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Check a list of useful topics on Symbolism selected by experts

“Hills like White Elephants” and “Girl” Themes and Symbolism

“The Truman Show” : Symbolism

A Cemetery Symbolism Analysis in The Thief and The Dogs

A Cinematographic Vampire’s Tale: Understanding the Symbolism Behind the Horror Icon

A Journey into the Darkness: Symbolism in “The Fall of the House of Usher”

A passage to India – Symbolism

A Research on Symbolism in The Animal Tales

An Analysis on the Importance of Staging and Symbolism in Henrik Ibsen’s ‘A Doll’s House’

Analysis of Symbolism in The One Who Walk Away from Omelas

Analysis: Naturalism and Symbolism

Andrew Marvell’s Representation of Tone and Symbolism as Explained in His Poem, to His Coy Mistress

Angela Carter, the Snow Child Symbolism

Astronomer’s Wife: The Plot, Symbolism and Point of View

Biblical Symbolism in Batter My Heart

Book 3 of Paradise Lost: The Symbolism of Light and Darkness

Breaking Down The Symbolism in Malcolm X’s Life

Cherry Orchard Symbolism

Christian Symbolism In James Joyce’s The Sisters

Deep Dive in Symbolism of “A Mother”

Directing a Othello- Symbolism of Final Scene

Discovering The Themes and Symbolism in Poem This is a Photograph of Me

Discuss the role of symbolism in Un Chien andalou

Discuss William Golding’s use of symbolism in ‘Lord of the Flies’

Doubt in To The Lighthouse: Virginia Woolf’s Use of Symbolism and Tone

Emily’s Symbolism in “A Rose for Emily”

Essay Symbolism of the kites (Kite Runner)

Ethan Frome-Marriage Symbolism

Everything I Never Told You: Analysis of Symbolism

Examining Christian Symbolism in “A White Heron”

Examining Symbolism in Bartleby

Exploring Hidden Feelings and Character Growth Through Symbolism in Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus

Exploring The Symbolism of The Star of David in Michael Muhammad Knight The Taqwacores

Farewell To Arms Symbolism

Feminist Symbolism in Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Feng Shui Butterfly and Magpie: Symbolism and Meaning

Flawed Implementation: The Symbolism of Sticky Rice

Flower Symbolism in Art and Paintings

Fly Away Peter: Analysis of Symbolism

For Each of Your Studied Texts, Analyse How Symbolism Was Used to Develop a Main Theme.


Symbolism is the poetic and artistic movement that emphasizes expressing emotions through pictures and different symbols. It started in the late 19th century in France, Russia, and Belgium. This is one of the important parts of history, and if someone wants to write about it, they should be up to date about the historical facts. What are we offering you here? We are helping you in writing essays, including symbolism essay. You can get all the necessary knowledge through this platform by studying symbolism essay examples uploaded on the website. An essay on symbolism could be a complex one as it is a historical event, and history requires proper facts and figures to write a convincing piece. This is why the experts write all our essays in this field, and all the information used in the essays is accurate and authentic, and you are welcome to use all the figures in your essay. Please invest a little time of yours, and it will be worth spending.

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