Supersize Me Essay Examples and Research Papers

7 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples


Supersize Me and The Omnivore’s Dilemma Review

Pages 5 (1 087 words)

Fast Food And Obesity

Movie Review

Supersize Me

Open Document

Who Blamed for Obesity: Supersize Me

Pages 5 (1 013 words)

Fast Food And Obesity

Supersize Me

Open Document

Supersize Me: An Argument of Supersized Proportions

Pages 4 (884 words)

Fast Food And Obesity

Movie Review

Supersize Me

Open Document

Supersize Me and Harm Effect of Fast Food

Pages 3 (553 words)

Fast Food And Obesity

Supersize Me

Open Document

Supersize Me Documentary is not Realistic Review

Pages 2 (413 words)

Fast Food

Movie Review

Supersize Me

Open Document

Investigation Related To McDonalidization

Pages 3 (633 words)

Eating Habits

Fast Food

Supersize Me

Open Document

McDonald’s The Plan to Win

Pages 4 (785 words)

Eating Habits

Fast Food

Supersize Me

Open Document

release date

May 7, 2004 (USA)


Director Morgan Spurlock's social experiment in fast-food gastronomy sees him attempting to subsist uniquely on food from the McDonald's menu for an entire month. In the process his weight balloons, his energy level plummets and he experiences all sorts of unexpected -- and terrifying -- side effects. He also examines the corporate giant's growing role in the lives of American consumers and explores its methods of indoctrinating young people and its contribution to America's obesity epidemic.… MORE


PG-13 2004 ‧ Documentary/Indie film ‧ 1h 38m

Director: Morgan Spurlock

Starring: Morgan Spurlock; Alexandra Jamieson

Box office: $22.2 million

Budget: $65,000

Distributed by: Samuel Goldwyn Films, Roadside Attractions

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