Essays on Steve Jobs

5 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Steve Jobs’ Life and Creations

Pages 14 (3 284 words)


Steve Jobs

Open Document

Steve Jobs Commencement Speech: Simple Yet Powerful

Pages 5 (1 052 words)


Steve Jobs

Open Document

Steve Jobs vs. Tim Cook

Pages 3 (669 words)


Steve Jobs

Open Document

Steve Jobs the Inventor

Pages 3 (529 words)


Steve Jobs

Open Document

Tim Cook and Steve Jobs as an Effective Business Leaders

Pages 3 (656 words)



Steve Jobs

Open Document

Check a list of useful topics on Steve Jobs selected by experts

“Stay hungry, Stay foolish” by Steve Jobs Report

10 Innovators on What They Learned From Steve Jobs

11 Motivational Mantras By Steve Jobs

7 Creative, Marvelous and Downright Weird Ways People Paid Tribute to Steve Jobs

A Study on Steve Jobs Leadership (Apple Company)

A Tribute Speech for Steve Jobs

Analysis of Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Address

Analysis of the Personality Traits of Steve Jobs

Apple Inc. and Steve Jobs

Apple, without Steve Jobs

Apple’s Decision to Bring Back Steve Jobs

Bill Gates And Steve Jobs

Bill Gates Steve Jobs Unlocked

Biography of Steve Jobs

Compare/Contrast Bill Gates & Steve Jobs

Comparison of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

Comparisons of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

Different Types of Leadership Profiles Best Describes Steve Jobs

Do Investors Care If Steve Jobs Is Healthy? Report

How Steve Jobs Changed the World

Leader case study on Steve Jobs

Leadership and motivational styles of Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs

Leadership And People Management Apple After Steve Jobs Commerce

Leadership and Steve Jobs

Leadership Case Study: Steve Jobs

Public Speaking Outline – Steve Jobs

Public Speaking Outline – Steve Jobs

Reflections of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Review of The Biographical Film Steve Jobs

Speech Analysis: “How to Live before you Die” by Steve Jobs Essay (Book Review)

Steve Jobs – an Era in Technology

Steve Jobs – My Hero’s Mastery Journey

Steve Jobs – Intelligent and Innovated Thinker

Steve Jobs : Book Review

Steve Jobs : How to Live Before You Die

Steve Jobs Achievements

Steve Jobs and the Apple Life Experience

Steve Jobs Annotated Bibliography

Steve Jobs Biography

Steve Jobs Biography Summary

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