Essays on Social Media Addiction Page 2

14 essay samples on this topic

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1 2


Social media has become a huge part of our lives and people spend hundreds of hours a year scrolling through their feeds. It is not an overstatement to call that a real addiction that may produce a detrimental impact upon people’s lives. If you want to write a social media addiction essay, you may start by evaluating your own habits. As a student, you probably spend some time going through your Instagram feed just after you wake up, you might be using other platforms like TikTok to watch short funny videos, and you might be using Facebook and Twitter to share some of your thoughts and pictures with people. That is how you can start your social media addiction in students essay by simply evaluating your own habits. Alternatively, instead of analyzing and discussing the trends, you can write a solution for a social media addiction essay offering people a way out of this constant loop of checking their feed and repeating that cycle over and over. There’s much to cover here, so you should focus on a single aspect and give it a thorough analysis.

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