Essays on Legalizing Weed Page 2

24 essay samples on this topic

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Legalizing Weed

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Legalizing Weed

Medical Marijuana

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

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1 2 3


The legalization of weed is one of the most global controversial topics of the 21st century. Medical researchers have asserted that marijuana has health benefits in the sense that it can be used to cure certain conditions. In essays about legalizing weed, proponents of marijuana legalization have also argued that legalization of marijuana comes with economic benefits,
Consequently, some states in the US and countries such as Canada have legalized the medical use of Cannabis Sativa. Nevertheless, most governments still view weed as an illegal drug. From legalizing weed essay examples, marijuana arguably has some medicinal values. CBD and THC are critical marijuana components that have been used in medical settings to treat chronic pain since time immemorial.
According to legalizing weed essays, medical marijuana is typically a treatment option for Glaucoma, a critical health condition that affects the eyes. According to the National Survey on Drug Use, many people actively use weed. For instance, 19.8 million people in the US use marijuana for different reasons. Given the high number of users, the legalization of weed can greatly enhance tax revenues.

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