Essays on Frida Kahlo Page 2

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An Overview of the Life of Frida Kahlo, a Mexican Artist

Pages 6 (1 356 words)

Frida Kahlo

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An Analysis of Life of Frida Kahlo

Pages 4 (965 words)

Frida Kahlo


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A Report on Hispanic Artists: Frida Kahlo, Joe Villarreal, and Clara Aguero

Pages 5 (1 199 words)

Frida Kahlo

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The Life and Works of Frida Kahlo

Pages 2 (370 words)



Frida Kahlo

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Surrealism Art Movement and Art Work Examples

Pages 6 (1 313 words)

Art Movements


Frida Kahlo

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Frida Kahlo: A Vibrant Tapestry of Art and Resilience

Pages 3 (522 words)


Frida Kahlo

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An Analysis of Frida Kahlo and Carmen Lomas Garza

Contextual Analysis of The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo – Love Embrace

Frida Kahlo and The Impact of Her Accomplishments on The World

Frida Kahlo and Tracey Emin

Frida Kahlo HSC

Frida Kahlo Is Considered to Be One of Mexico’s Greatest Artists

Frida Kahlo Was a Mexican American Artist

Frida Kahlo Was a Woman of Great Stature

Las Dos Fridas (The Two Fridas) – Frida Kahlo Painting

Legendary Surrealist Artist Frida Kahlo

Life and Art of Frida Kahlo

Life Path of Frida Kahlo

Love and Art Works of Frida Kahlo

Pablo Ruiz Picasso and Frida Kahlo

The Life Story of Famous Mexican Artist Frida Kahlo

The Power of Art in Speaking to The Community: Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol

The Role of Human Condition in Frida Kahlo Art Works


July 6, 1907, Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico


July 13, 1954, Coyoacán, Mexico City, Mexico


Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón was a Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico.


Mexican painter

Periods: Naïve art, Modern art, Surrealism, Magical Realism, Symbolism, Primitivism, Naturalism, Social realism, Cubism

Known for: Painting

Spouse: Diego Rivera (m. 1940–1954), Diego Rivera (m. 1929–1939)

Siblings: Cristina Kahlo, Margarita Kahlo Cardena

Parents: Guillermo Kahlo, Matilde Calderón y González

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