Call Of The Wild Essay Examples

4 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Symbols in The Call of the Wild

Pages 2 (440 words)

American Literature

Call Of The Wild

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Buck in Call of the Wild by Jack London

Pages 3 (570 words)

Call Of The Wild


Open Document

 The Call of the Wild by Jack London

Pages 2 (468 words)

American Literature

Call Of The Wild

Open Document

The Call of the Wild Summary

Pages 4 (839 words)

Book Summary

Call Of The Wild

Open Document

Check a list of useful topics on Call Of The Wild selected by experts

“Survival of the Fittest” – Call of the Wild

A Literary Analysis of Call of the Wild by Jack London

A Person’s Treatment of Animals in The Call of the Wild by Jack London

A Report on The Book Call of The Wild by Jack London

Analysis of Jack London’s Use of Anthropomorphism in The Call of The Wild

Book Report: Call of the Wild

Buck Character in Call of the Wild Novel

Call of the Wild Book

Call of the Wild Theme Project

Historical Significance of Call of The Wild by Jack London

Informative Essay on Call of the Wild

Literary Analysis of The Call of The Wild by Jack London

Novel Call of the Wild and Darwin’s Theory

Reflection Essay on Call of the Wild

Relationship in London’s Novel Call of the Wild

Struggle for Freedom in Jack London’s The Call of The Wild

Summary, Plot, Moral Values, Themes the Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild

release date

February 21, 2020 (USA)


PG 2020 ‧ Adventure/Family ‧ 1h 40m

Buck is a big-hearted dog whose blissful domestic life gets turned upside down when he is suddenly uprooted from his California home and transplanted to the exotic wilds of the Alaskan Yukon in the 1890s. As the newest rookie on a mail-delivery dog sled team, Buck experiences the adventure of a lifetime as he ultimately finds his true place in the world.

Director: Chris Sanders

Starring: Harrison Ford; Omar Sy; Cara Gee; Dan Stevens; Karen Gillan; Bradley Whitford

Budget: $125–150 million

Adapted from: The Call of the Wild

Distributed by: 20th Century Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

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