A Streetcar Named Desire Essay Examples and Research Papers

10 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Reality vs. Illusion in “A Streetcar Named Desire”

Pages 5 (1 035 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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Gender Stereotypes in the Mid-Twentieth Century 

Pages 7 (1 714 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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Main Themes in “A Streetcar Named Desire”

Pages 6 (1 251 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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“A Streetcar Named Desire” and “Appropriate” Comparison

Pages 6 (1 340 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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“A Streetcar Named Desire” Analysis

Pages 8 (1 834 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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Illusions and Reality in “A Streetcar Named Desire”

Pages 7 (1 621 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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“A Streetcar Named Desire” Review

Pages 5 (1 115 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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Comparison of “The Wasteland” and “A Streetcar Named Desire”

Pages 10 (2 342 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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“Why Don’t We Dance” and “A Streetcar Named Desire” Analysis

Pages 5 (1 113 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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Extended Reading Response – “A Streetcar Named Desire”

Pages 5 (1 161 words)

A Streetcar Named Desire

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Check a list of useful topics on A Streetcar Named Desire selected by experts

A Comparison Between The Plastic Theatre and Expressionism in a Streetcar Named Desire

A Comparison into The Themes of Reputation and Chastisy in a Streetcar Named Desire and The Duchess of Malfi

A Marxist Criticism of a Streetcar Named Desire

A Postmodern Cultural Perspective in Lolita and A Streetcar Named Desire

A Streetcar Named Desire by Blanche Dubois

A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams: Personal Identity of Blanche

A Streetcar Named Desire Comparison Paragraphs

A Streetcar Named Desire Context

An Examination of The Character of Blanche in a Streetcar Named Desire

An Examination of The Theme of Premeditated Rape in a Streetcar Named Desire

Analysis of Extract From A Streetcar Named Desire

Analysis of Stanley Kowalski’s Role in Tennessee Williams’ Book, a Streetcar Named Desire

Analysis on Blanche DuBois From A Streetcar Named Desire

Analysis on The Conclusion of Tennessee Williams’s Book, a Streetcar Named Desire Vs The Film Adaptation

Blanche and Stanley in a Streetcar Named Desire

Compare and Contrast a Doll House and a Streetcar Named Desire

Comparing Social and Ethnic Tensions in a Streetcar Named Desire and Blues for Mister Charlie

Comparison of A Doll’s House and A Streetcar Named Desire

Discuss A Streetcar Named Desire

Essay on A Streetcar Named Desire

Good and Evil: The Picture of Dorian Gray and a Streetcar Named Desire

How a Streetcar Named Desire Has Transitioned from a Book to a Film

How Femininity and Masculinity Are Presented in Ariel and a Streetcar Named Desire

How The Entrapment Theme Comes Out in a Streetcar Named Desire and Duchess of Mali

How The Relationship Between Blanche and Stella Adds to The Dramatic Effect in a Streetcar Named Desire

Illusion vs. Reality A Streetcar Named Desire

Interpersonal Communication in Play A Streetcar Named Desire

Introduction to A Streetcar Named Desire

Isolation in the Scarlet Letter and a Streetcar Named Desire

Lies and Truth in A Streetcar Named Desire

Powerless Women: How a Streetcar Named Desire and The Duchess of Malfi Illustrate This Theme

Reader Response A Streetcar Named Desire

Repercussions of Past Events in Mrs Dalloway and a Streetcar Named Desire

Similarities and Conflicts in a Streetcar Named Desire

Stanley and Blanche Relationship in a Streetcar Named Desire

Stanley in a Streetcar Named Desire

Symbolism in a streetcar named desire

Tennessee Williams’ Play A Streetcar Named Desire

Tennessee Williams’ a Streetcar Named Desire

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