Comparison Fleetwood Mac and Jazz Jam Music Concert Report

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On December, 6th I went and saw Fleetwood Mac at Savemart Center. In November, I went to a restaurant called Ooi in Fresno California and watched the performance of Jazz Jam held by Les Nunes.


Fleetwood Mac: Mick Fleetwood drums, percussion, harpsichord. John McVie bass guitar. Christine McVie keyboards, vocals, accordion, maracas, acoustic guitar, snare drum, tambourine. Lindsey Buckingham guitar, keyboards, bass guitar, banjo, dobro, sitar, percussion, drums, harmonica, lap harp, programming, vocals.

At the Jazz Jam the instruments that were played were vocals, the drums, electric bass, electric guitar, and the keyboard.


Both the Fleetwood Mac performance and the Jazz Jam performance had solos throughout the different songs that were played. During the Fleetwood Mac concert there was a guitar solo that stood out to me. During the solos all the other instruments stopped, or played quietly in the background, both the lead vocalist, and background vocalists had gone completely silent during these solos. The guitar solo were played intensely. A wide variety of notes were hit during it. I really enjoyed how clear the guitar solo was, it gave off a level of excitement although I don’t know much about music.

During the Jazz Jam performance, the solos were not as easily identified, this is because the other instruments continued to play and keep the beat, while the solo instrument changed beats and that’s how it stood out. The solos were played at a fairly fast tempo, but still smooth and relaxing. The guitar solo was the first solo of the night at the Jazz Jam.

Comparison of Songs

At the Ooi Jazz Jam, the song meditation sounded just as its named. It was a consistent slow mellow tempo. While the playing of the second song was mellow as well, but the instruments were played more intensely.

Fleetwood’s “Dreams” was one of the songs played and it was a very calm and relaxing. The song gave me a happy hippie vibe, couldn’t help but smile. While their song “Go your own way” started out the same, it quickly picked up and turned into more of a rock song. I enjoyed both despite not knowing anything about this type of music.

Overall Presentation

Overall the musicians were pretty good. During the Fleetwood Mac performance, the Music was actually pretty amazing. The tone of the music was great, there was a certain energy in the building during their concert. I really enjoyed the playing of the guitar at this concert.

I also had a good time at Ooi sushi, obviously it was a lot smaller of a deal and they made minor errors, but you can’t beat free live music during dinner. Again I don’t listen to either types of these music generes but I still had a good time and was inpressed by all the musicians and their abilities to harmonize all the different sounds to make a song.

Overall Experience

Both these styles of music were pretty new to me, I’ve never really sat down and listened to either genre. I’m more of a hip hop/ R&B kinda guy. But, I’ll tell you this, I’m glad we had this assignment. It opened my eyes to music that I actually enjoy. Now I’m not saying your going to catch me bumping this in my car, but I will say I really enjoyed both events. The jazz was perfect for the setting at the sushi bar and actually made my mood better. The Fleetwood Mac concert was a blast, it was a last second thing and to be honest, I didn’t know what to expect, I hadn’t even heard of them before. But it was quite obvious everyone else did. It was a great concert and I’m glad I got to experience it.

Performance Environment

The settings of the two performances were very different. The sushi restuarant was very laid back and relaxed, with normal families enjoying their evenings. The Fleetwood Mac concert was more dressy because it was a bigger event. Most of the people there looked like they were on dates and were drinking. Much more excitement and energy at the concert, probably because people paid to go and made a whole night of it.

Musical Aspect

At the Fleetwood Mac concert the best music aspect was just being able to wittness them perform all their hit from back in the day. Defiinetly a very cool and interesting time for rock music. At Ooi Jazz Jam I enjoyed how personal the experience was with the crowd and the band. Probably the worst part was the fact that you sometimes find yourself getting distracted from the music when you eat your delicious sushi dinner.

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Comparison Fleetwood Mac and Jazz Jam Music Concert Report. (2021, Oct 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/comparison-fleetwood-mac-and-jazz-jam-music-concert-report/

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