Adolf Hitler – Leader of the Nazi Party

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Adolf Hitler was a German politician and leader of the nazi party. He was known for being a evil dictator and the man that started world war II since he considered the aggressive foreign policy to have been the reason why Germany lost World War I. Adolf Hitler was responsible for killing over 5 million jews by killing them with giant ovens or using gas bombs.

One of Hitler’s main goals was to include anti-semitism and to also include anti-communism among the german people. The main goal Hitler was trying to accomplish was to bring Lebensraum which means (“living space”) to all of the german people in Eastern Europe. Hitler was also trying to dominate all of the other nations around Germany, this plan was called The New Order and was believed to have been the reason why World War II started. Hitler was also believed to have created a concept called The Master Race which meant that in order to make Germany the dominant country, he was to remove the non “pure-bloods” or Germans that are only related to other Germans.

Even though back when he had all of those ideas he had no power to accomplish them, eventually he was able to do all of his goals and even more. At first he ended the Sino-German alliance with China to make an alliance with more modern and more powerful Empire of Japan. Soon afterwards Hitler announced that Germany and Austria were going to become allies. After a series of secret meetings with a german party in Czechoslovakia, Hitler announced that Germany along with the Soviet Union were going to invade Poland Hitler starting with the west which would be considered the first fight of World War II. After Hitler invaded Western Poland and after the Soviet Union invaded Eastern Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany officially initiating World War II. After a while, Italy joined Germany and the Empire of Japan making the Axis. Since Hitler had Germany under control, he told his soldiers to capture all the jews and put them inside concentration camps. Hitler did many terrible things to the jews such as removing their names and renaming them by numbers. Also Hitler since he hated jews, he decided to kill them.

After a few years Hitler knew that they were getting defeated since Germany even though they relied on more troops, better technology, and better weapons they were not able to defeat England fast enough. In the late 1941 U.S joined the war since Japan bombed Pearl Harbor which really angered them. After a few months Hitler knew that their supplies were scarce and there was no way of getting supplies, launched a final attack to Poland which resulted on a defeat for the German army. After Germany surrendered, Japan was told that they had to surrender or face destruction. Japan didn’t accept the surrendering terms causing a nuclear bombing in 2 of Japan’s cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima which finally convinced the emperor of Japan to sign the surrender documents which ended the war. Since Hitler wouldn’t surrender, he said that he rather shoot himself in the head than surrender. Inside a underground bunker, he and his new wife swallowed cyanide capsules which killed them but for good measure Hitler shot himself.

Even though most of Hitler’s actions have been lost in the past, there is a new group of supporters called Neo-Nazis which is a group trying to bring back Nazi traditions. World War II also changed the views on nuclear warfare since the last 2 nuclear bombs used in combat were the ones the U.S used in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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Adolf Hitler – Leader of the Nazi Party. (2020, Oct 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/adolf-hitler-leader-of-the-nazi-party/



What was Adolf Hitler's full real name?
Adolf Hitler's full real name was Adolf Schicklgruber. He later changed it to Adolf Hitler after his father's death.
What was Hitler's personality as a leader?
Hitler was a very charismatic and persuasive leader. He was also a very determined and ruthless leader who was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals.
Who were Hitler's top leaders?
Adolf Hitler's top leaders were Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler.
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