The Periods Bind and Outline the History Into Nine Separate Eras of History With Distinctive Components

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Period One makes up 5% of the AP Test, Periods 2-5 make up 45%, Periods 6-8 make up 45%, and Period Nine is the last 5%.

Period One (1491-1607) covers from the re-discovery of the New World to the founding of the Jamestown colony. I would consider the establishing of the Jamestown colony to be the most important event in U.S history of this period because it was the very first permanent British colony in the Americas. The colonists learned what it would take in order to run a long-lasting colony. Jamestown could have been another failed colony if it hadn’t been for the periodic waves of new colonists, John Smith, and the introduction of tobacco into the economy. The colonists had learned to make their own functioning government and created a surviving colony that could support a growing population.

Period Two (1607-1754) covers from the founding of Jamestown to just after the Great Awakening. I would argue that the most important part of this period was the intellectual movements – the Scientific Revolution and the Great Awakening. Elaborate

Period Three (1754-1800) covers from just before the French and Indian war to the election of Jefferson as the third president of the United States. It is almost indisputable that the most important event of this period was the Revolutionary War. Elaborate

Period Four (1800-1848) covers from Jefferson’s start of presidency to the end of the Mexican War with the Treat of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. I would consider the Industrial Revolution to the most shaping event in the development of the history of the United States. Elaborate

Period Five (1844-1877) covers from the Mexican War to the end of the Reconstruction. The event during this period that had the most influence on the rest of U.S history was the Civil War. Elaborate

  1. Period Six (1865-1898) ; reconstruction; 13 and 14 amendments
  2. Period Seven (1890-1945) ; ww1
  3. Period Eight (1945-1980) ; cold war

Period Nine (1980-present) ; twin towers.

The historical practices and skills have to do with the student’s proficiency in historical analysis. Disciplinary Practice Number 1 is the ability to examine historic documents in the form of primary and secondary sources. In evaluating primary sources, the student should be able to describe its argument, purpose, point of view, credibility, context, and intended audience. In evaluating secondary sources, the student should be able to recognize its argument, supporting evidence, influences of context, patterns in numerical data when applicable, and overall effectiveness of the author’s argument. Example

Disciplinary Practice Number 2 is the student’s ability to develop an articulate argument backed with evidence to the claim. The student should form a solid claim as a thesis and support it with detailed, appropriate evidence as well as define trends and relationships among evidence. Example

The first Reasoning Skill is contextualization. The student should be able to skilled in providing proper context for historical events, explaining relevance and significance to certain developments in history. Example

The second Reasoning Skill is the ability to recognize and describe historical comparisons. The student’s ability to recognize and explain historical similarities and differences, their relevance, and their significance will be tested in the AP exam. Example

The third Reasoning Skill is being able to identify and explain what caused and what resulted from certain events in history. The student must be able to elaborate on how they are connected, how they are related, and their importance. The student should be able to differentiate between primary and secondary causes as well as short-term and long-term effects. Example

The fourth Reasoning Skill is being able to recognize patterns of continuities and changes over periods of time. The student should be able to explain the patterns and identify its significance to the overall historical picture. Example

My plan to do well on the AP U.S. History exam is to apply myself to the class and put effort into learning the history. I will study and review frequently as well as try my best to keep up with the readings. I will not hesitate to ask for help from the teacher or other students when and if I need it. I will start studying for the exam well before the day of the exam so as to avoid overwhelming myself and cramming my brain before the test. I believe this is the best way to do well in this class and on the AP exam.


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The Periods Bind and Outline the History Into Nine Separate Eras of History With Distinctive Components. (2022, Oct 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-periods-bind-and-outline-the-history-into-nine-separate-eras-of-history-with-distinctive-components/

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