Role and Value of Technology in Education

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Technology is an important aspect that has continued to help organizations improve their efficiencies. This is because technological advances are aimed at improving the effectiveness of traditional processes and systems. Technology plays a key role in education by helping educators in the administration of educational services enhancing the learning process in diverse aspects (Ayala, Dganit, Lilac, & Wang, 2016). With the different modes of learning that include distance learning, technology can be a useful tool in providing access to some of the important resources as well as providing learners with an opportunity to connect with their educators and other learners (Ayala et al., 2016). This can enhance the learning process where learners are able to share ideas and views on different educational issues. Technology has been attributed to innovations in most sectors as well as impacting the current education systems in diverse ways (Ayala et al., 2016).

A Research-Supported Discussion of the Overall Role and Value of Technology in Education

Technology is important in education due to its benefit in enhancing the learning process in diverse aspects. Technology has played a key role in enhancing active engagement in the learning process where learners are able to interact in discussions that are helpful in improving the learning outcomes (Jack & Higgins, 2019). Technology enhances engagement between students in a different setting apart from the normal classroom setting. The learning process involves conducting research as well as receiving feedback from the educators. Technology can be useful in this process where interactive software such as Google Earth can be used to enable students to interact with one another regardless of their physical location (Jack & Higgins, 2019). With the education system shifting from the traditional classroom setting that perceives students as passive participants to a new system that considers learners as active participants, technology can be useful in allowing educators to collaborate with students by sharing information and other education resources (Jack & Higgins, 2019).

Technology also plays a key role in encouraging the use of real-world examples and scenarios in a classroom setting. This is because learners can be able to access real issues using the internet an aspect that enhances the understanding level of students (Jack & Higgins, 2019). This also allows the students to relate what is being taught with some of their real life experiences. Some of the factors that may negatively impact the educational process can be effectively addressed by the integration of technology (Jack & Higgins, 2019). This is because technology changes how educators and learners access, gather, utilize, and analyze important information. Since students may have different learning styles, technology can be used to address the specific needs of different students where educators are able to customize learning for all students (Ayala et al., 2016).

Due to the changing learning environment, technology also plays an important role for educators in enhancing learning in learning facilities. Technology has continued to impact the lives of individuals in diverse aspects (Ayala et al., 2016). This is also experienced in the education sector where most of the learning aspects can be effectively explained using technology. An example can include providing learners with real-life scenarios that will improve the learning outcomes (Ayala et al., 2016). Technology can also play the role of improving the literacy level where learners are able to understand some of the concepts clearly compared to using the traditional learning systems. This is beneficial to learners as well as educators who will be able to achieve their learning objectives as well as improve the performance of the students in some of the challenging areas (Ayala et al., 2016).

How You Will Deal With Teachers Who Struggle With Understanding and Avoid Using Technology in Their Classrooms

Educators are important in passing down knowledge to students using different learning strategies. Teachers are the main individuals helping learners to access knowledge and resources using technology (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018). One of the roles of the educator in using technology in education is facilitating learning using technology. Facilitating learning involves encouraging learners to take more control and be involved in the learning process. Educators help students in connecting between the learning objectives and raw data (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018). Educators can facilitate learning by providing students with the required tools required in connecting the learning objectives and the content. Another role of the educator in using technology in education is providing feedback to students which is a great way of enhancing the level of participation by learners (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018).

This has been indicated to enable students to enjoy lessons as well as remember information better. Educators have the role of implementing these tools such as Wooclap on smart phones and computers which can lead to a great interactive experience (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018). The educator can also play the role of encouraging and motivating learners to effectively communicate using the implemented tools. If students have the tools yet they are not encouraged on using these tools, they may be unable to effectively achieve the associated benefits. However, the educator can encourage learners on the importance of using these tools in communicating with each other (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018). This can be done by awarding students who have been highly active on online platforms.

The teacher can also play the role of addressing any barriers that may prevent effective integration of technology in the learning process which may be attributed to spiritual, cultural, as well as physical barriers that may prevent some of the students being unable to access educational resources (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018). The teacher has traditionally held the teaching role that includes controlling the learning environment. This includes providing direction on what effective education resources can be used to achieve certain learning objectives a role that can still be applied in modern learning where technology has been integrated (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018). The educator should also give instruction based on the accessible educational resources. Although learners may have technology tools that are useful in the learning process, accessing educational resources may be difficult due to the processes involved as well as some of the requirements (Raulston & Alexiou-Ray, 2018).

Educators may help learners to access these resources as well as navigating some of the websites and online platforms. Another ole that the educator has in using technology in education is maintaining discipline in the classroom setting. Discipline has always been an issue in the education process (Crisolo, 2018). Due to the integration of technology in the classroom setting, students may be tempted to use it for other reasons rather than the intended purpose. This may include watching movies, listening to music, or looking for intimate relationships which are not part of the learning process (Crisolo, 2018). This makes it important for educators to ensure that the learners stay focused on their learning objectives. Teachers who struggle with understanding and avoid using technology in their classrooms can be supported by a tech team which can be developed to address issues related to the implementation of technology in education (Crisolo, 2018).

This is because integrating technology can be stressful to teachers who do not have an experience of using technology in the learning process. Adequate resources should also be provided to ensure that the educators are able to overcome some of the challenges related to inadequate resources (Crisolo, 2018). This can also involve investing in more time to teach and train the educators on integrating technology in education. Providing opportunities for educators to collaborate can also help in creating a conducive environment to support educators in diverse aspects related to the integration of technology in education (Crisolo, 2018).

How Technology Will Influence the Future of Education and Strategies That Educational Leaders Can Use To Pay For This Increased Technology

Due to the current advancements in technology, this has impacted different areas of life including the education area. Technology will continue to influence the future of education in different aspects that include enhancing soft skills which are becoming more valuable than hard skills (Cereci, 2019). One of the important aspects that employers look for during recruitment is individuals who are up to date with the current technological trends as these are important in improving the performance of different organizational functions as well as improving communication in an organizational setting (Cereci, 2019). The integration of technology in education has been indicated to enhance these skills which prepares individuals for the outside world. The use of technology has been largely adopted in the modern education setting as it enhances the learning process by enabling educators to achieve the learning objectives effectively (Cereci, 2019).

This can also be applied in distance learning where learners and educators rarely meet. Technology will ensure a continuous engagement between learners and their teachers regardless of their distance. Technology is also expected to increase opportunities to students in accessing educational resources at the comfort of their homes (Cereci, 2019). There will be no need to visit the library as textbooks, journal articles, and course outlines will be accessed through the internet that will enhance the learning process. Although the use of technology started a long time ago to help students with special needs, this has also been indicated to enhance the learning process for normal students where students are able to use some of the technological tools to help them in understanding various concepts (Gal, 2019).

This means that technology will be used as a catalyst in the education process in the future to facilitate learning in different settings. With the diversification of the education process, learners are now demanding the integration of technology in the education process which is aimed at enhancing engagement outside the classroom setting (Gal, 2019). Technology has also become part of life for modern students as it helps them in performing most of the functions. This means that this aspect cannot be ignored as most of the learners are already psychologically and physically prepared to integrate technology in the learning process (Gal, 2019). However, due to the negative effects associated with integrating technology in education, most countries have developed policies to guide the integration of ICT in education to prevent any negative effects that may be associated with this aspect (Gal, 2019).

This has provided an excellent framework within the education ministries where they are able to develop effective strategies as well as adequate resource allocation to enable the implementation of ICT programs and systems (Santos, Ramos, Escola, & Reis, 2019). Maintaining discipline which is an important function in the integration of technology in education may be achieved by implementing proper restrictive measures that prevent learners from accessing some of the illegal websites (Santos et al., 2019). Countries have as well developed rules that guide the use of technology in education where students may face consequences for breaking any of these rules.

Educational leaders can pay for increased technology by ensuring that adequate resources are available to address any barriers that may prevent the integration of technology in education (Santos et al., 2019). This involves effective communication between educators and education top management where adequate resources are provided in advance to prepare educators on any new developments in technology in education (Santos et al., 2019). It is also important for educational leaders to be effectively prepared by having the necessary skills that will be used in the integration of technology in education. This will enable the leaders to effectively carry out their roles in using technology in education (Santos et al., 2019).


  1. Ayala, G., Dganit, S., Lilac, L., & Wang, S. (2016) Integrating Information Technology’s competencies into academic nursing education–An action study. Cogent Education, 3:1.
  2. Cereci, S. (2019). Technology Information and Communication Education. International Journal on New Trends in Education & Their Implications (IJONTE), 10(1), 1–7.
  3. Crisolo, N. A. (2018). Sharpening Education through the Use of Information and Communications Technology. Online Submission. Online Submission. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=ED586949&site=eds-live&scope=site
  4. Gal, A. (2019). Fifth Graders’ Perceptions of Mobile Phones and GIS Technology. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 8(1), 81–89.
  5. Jack, C., & Higgins, S. (2019). Embedding educational technologies in early years education. Research in Learning Technology, 27, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.25304/rlt.v27.2033
  6. Raulston, C. G., & Alexiou-Ray, J. (2018). Preparing More Technology- Literate Preservice Teachers: A Changing Paradigm in Higher Education. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 84(5), 9–13.
  7. Santos, G., Ramos, E., Escola, J., & Reis, M. (2019). ICT Literacy and School Performance. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET, 18(2), 19–39.

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Role and Value of Technology in Education. (2020, Sep 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/technology-in-education/



What are the roles of technology?
Technology plays a vital role in enhancing communication, improving productivity, and providing access to information. It also enables automation, innovation, and new opportunities for growth and development in various industries and sectors.
What is the important role of technology in education?
The important role of technology in education is to provide students with the tools they need to succeed in school and in their future careers. Technology can help students learn more effectively and efficiently, and it can also give them access to new and exciting opportunities.
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