Nutritional Knowledge: Understanding the Importance of Balanced Diets and Special Dietary Needs

  • Updated August 3, 2023
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Nutritional Knowledge

Nutrients: are substances that perform different functions in the body. You need to consume a balanced diet because no one food will provide all the essential nutrients that the body needs to be healthy and function properly.

Function of nutrients:

Non starch polysaccharide/dietary fibre: is the part of food that is not digested by the body. It helps regulate bowel movement and reduces constipation.

Different dietary needs:

People may follow specialist diets because of various reasons. They may need to avoid eating certain foods because it may make them very ill. Some people may also need to lose weight or have an illness that needs to be controlled by what they eat.

Diabetes: need a healthy diet and have to control sugar intake. Diabetes develops when the body cannot process glucose properly. Diabetics need to maintain a healthy weight and follow a healthy diet.

Coeliac disease: this is an intolerance to gluten – which is found in wheat, barley and rye. Coeliacs must carefully monitor the ingredients in their food and can opt for gluten-free products.

Nut allergy: many food products contain traces of nuts and people with nut allergies must make sure they are not consuming such products.

Lactose intolerance: people who are lactose intolerant cannot digest lactose. Cow’s milk must be avoided, but cheese, yogurt and soy products can be eaten.

Vegetarians: do not consume meat or animal products depending on the type of vegetarian. They obtain protein from other sources such as legumes and pulses, dairy products and soy products. They need to ensure they have a balanced diet since they don’t eat meat.

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Nutritional Knowledge: Understanding the Importance of Balanced Diets and Special Dietary Needs. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/nutritional-knowledge-understanding-the-importance-of-balanced-diets-and-special-dietary-needs/

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