Malala Yousafzai’s Biography

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Malala Yousafzai was born on the 12 of July in 1997 in Mingora,Swat Valley,Pakistan. She has 2 younger brothers and she is the only girl. Her father was an outspoken social activist and educator. She studied at the school her father established and administered. She attended high school and college in the city of MIngora. Her father supported her to follow his steps. In 2007 the place where they lived was invaded with Taliban who started imposing laws like destroying and shutting down girls’ schools and not letting women be a part of any active role in society. Her family and her fled to a safer place but then returned.

At the age of 11 she gave her first speech called,“How Dare the Taliban Take Away My Basic Right to Education?”, her speech was heard all throughout Pakistan. A couple months after her speech the Taliban officially shut down all girls’ schools in the Swat Valley. She started to make appearances on television fighting for girls’ rights. That got a lot of media attention so the Taliban responded to the increasing backlash by lifting the restrictions against girls and allowed then to got to school but they had to wear burkas.

That only lasted for a few months before the family was threatened and had to leave Swat Valley for a while until the Pakistani army could control the Taliban. She made a documentary about the school shut down and that same year she met with the U. S. special envoy to ask for help with her effort to protect the education of girls in Pakistan. She continued to appear in television and got a lot of media attention and before she knew it,it was known worldwide she was the young blogger. She was praised for her activism. She was later nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize and also that same year she was nominated for the Pakistan’s first National Youth Peace Prize.

On October 9,2012 she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman on her way to school. She survived the attempt and had to be flown to England for surgery. This only made her more famous and for the Un special envoy for global education to issue out a petition for all the kids to return to school by 2015. While all these things were happening she was in recoveration in England still with her activism and made her first appearance back after the attempt in July 12,2013.

She started advocating for girls’ education since she was 11. She has also published a memoir. Her original dream career was to be a doctor. At such a young age she was awarded over half a million dollars for all her amazing achievements. Two years after being shot she won the Nobel peace prize. As of right now she has recieved over 40 awards for all her achievements. She has a honourary doctorate degree from University of King’s College at just 21 years of age. She is also known as one of the 100 most Influential people in the world.

Malala is said to be intelligent, ambitious, rebellious, wise, compassionate, encourager, and humble out of many more and someone who has leadership qualities and willpower. She has done extraordinary things that no girl her age would stand up for.

Malala has impacted our world because she has done stuff that no one that young would stand up for. She wasn’t scared of still following her activism even after the attempt to kill her. She stood up for what she believed in and didn’t care what other people thought. She wanted girls to have rights where she lived and accomplished it but at the same time accomplished to stand up for other things and at the same time became a famous person. She fought for women to be equal and went through traumatizing experiences but continued nothing stopped her and that is what makes her a person who impacted this world as well as a hero.

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Malala Yousafzai’s Biography. (2021, Dec 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/malala-yousafzais-biography/



Is Malala still alive?
Yes, Malala is still alive. She is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate.
What is Malala Yousafzai real name?
Malala Yousafzai's real name is Malala Yousafzai. She is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate.
What is Malala Yousafzai's story?
Malala Yousafzai was born in Pakistan and, at the age of fifteen, was shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking out on behalf of girls’ education. She survived and has become a powerful advocate for the rights of all children.
Why is Malala's face paralyzed?
"In October 2012, a member of the Pakistani Taliban TTP), commonly known as the Pakistani Taliban (پاکستانی طالبان), is an umbrella organization of various Islamist armed militant groups operating along the Afghan–Pakistani border . Pakistani Taliban boarded my school bus and shot one bullet into my left temple. The bullet grazed my left eye, skull and brain - lacerating my facial nerve, shattering my eardrum and breaking my jaw joints," she recalled in her post.
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