Impact of Social Media Addiction Cause And Effect Essay

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Reasons why social media is addictive?

Social media became popular in the 2003 when Myspace was created. While social media was becoming a trend, the internet became more popular. Social media has become a habit for teen and adults that you just can’t get rid of. Such as, every morning you wake up, you go straight to social media. According to MediaKix, the average person spends 2 hours a day on social media. The average teen spends more than 9 hours a day on social media. 210 Million People are estimated to suffer from internet and social media addiction.

What makes us addicted?

Social media is a way to connect with others, and meet new people. Most teens get on social media for social validation. Others think that social media defines who they are but that’s not true. Social media may make you feel good about yourself, but it doesn’t bring you satisfaction. Humans with high self-esteem are less negatively affected by social media than those whose lacking self-esteem. People may use social media because they fear that their missing out. Many students let social media affect their work epics because they fear that missing out. According to Sheveen’s Story on BBC, he feared that he was missing out on plans with his friends and that he may be addicted to social media but it doesn’t have a negative impact on his life.

Signs of Social Media Addiction

According to TheWisdomPost, there are ten common signs that you’re a social media addict.

  1. Social media is the first thing you look at in the morning.
  2. You waste time procrastinating.
  3. You post everything
  4. You check your notifications often.
  5. You only speak to peers via social media.
  6. You monitor your like and shares.
  7. You crave for Wi-Fi.
  8. Social has become a part of your image.
  9. You can’t last a min without being on your phone.
  10. You look at nonsense.

How it Affects your Health

The more we use social the less happy we seen. Social media effect your self-esteem, you may hide issues your having at home. If your suffering with self-esteem issues you pretend to be prefect, their more likely to explicate pictures of friends and themselves having a nice time as proof that you’re doing better than them. Social also affects your sleep habits. Two out of three 11-20 years old are getting less sleep recommended due to social media. Teens may stay up on social media all night and in the morning their tired because they didn’t get enough sleep.

Cyberbullying and Exposure on Social Medias

Social media can also lead to cyberbullying. 40% of people have received intimidating, threatening, inappropriate messages online. There may be many signs of bullying but it’s hard for parents to figure out if their child is being bullied in school. Cyberbullying on the internet can cause depression. Many teen and adult have been exposed to social media. It may occur after a bad breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Leaking inappropriate pictures of anyone could put you in jail. The past six years, there have been an increase in exposure of racist, sexism, and homophonic hate content on social medias.

Helping Social Media Addictions

Social media is a serious addiction, but there are ways to cure your addiction. First, you have to admit that you have an addiction. Treatments won’t work if you being in dental, and denying your addiction to social media. Secondly, you have to make an attempt to turn off your notifications, even if you have to delete the app. If you seriously want your addiction to social media to stop then you have to put in effort. Instead of monitoring your like and shares, access social media once or twice a day. Lastly, find other ways to communicate with you peers, you may want to socialize with them face to face.


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Impact of Social Media Addiction Cause And Effect Essay. (2021, Feb 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/impact-of-social-media-addiction/

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