Walmart Essay Examples and Research Papers Page 2

15 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

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The Importance Of Walmart


Walmart is currently the world’s leading retailer. With over 11, 700 stores under more than 59 company names and close to 2.5 Million employees, the giant retail network is a leader in the industry. According to its founder, Sam Walton, Walmart has climbed its way to success because of its supply chain management strategy. Walmart essay examples show that the retailer has found its way to success by reducing the supply chain to deal directly with manufacturers.
Walmart essays have established that the company created a supply chain initiative dubbed ‘Vendor Managed Inventory’. This initiative has reduced costs by letting manufacturers take care of their products in various Walmart warehouses. The company’s success is also attributed to its huge investment in information technology resources.
Through its efficient information technology infrastructure, Walmart has been able to predict demand, identify reliable transportation routes, enhance customer service and monitor inventories. The fact that the retailer focuses on information sharing among stores means that it can now reach out to as many clients as it wants. Based on this essay about Walmart, the company has a better future, thanks to its strategies for enhancing competitive advantage.

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