Lamb To The Slaughter Essay Examples and Research Papers

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Outcome of Wrong Decisions: “Lamb to the Slaughter” and “Antigone” Analytical Essay

Pages 3 (580 words)


Lamb To The Slaughter

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Marriage in “Lamb to the Slaughter”, “Story of an Hour”, and “Desiree’s Baby” Literary Analysis

Pages 3 (607 words)

Lamb To The Slaughter

Short Story

The Story of an Hour

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Character Analysis Mary Maloney in Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl

Pages 2 (463 words)

Lamb To The Slaughter

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Check a list of useful topics on Lamb To The Slaughter selected by experts

Character Analysis of Mary Maloney in Lamb to the Slaughter

Depiction of Women in Lamb to The Slaughter by Roald Dahl and a Jury by Her Peers by Susan Glaspell

Ending to Lamb to the Slaughter

English Literature- Lamb to the Slaughter

Lamb to the Slaughter – Study of Mary Maloney

Lamb to the Slaughter by Mary Maloney

Lamb to The Slaughter CEL

Lamb to the Slaughter Thesis + 1

Literary Analysis Roald Dahl’s Lamb to The Slaughter

My Ending to Lamb to the Slaughter

Roald Dahl’s Book Lamb to the Slaughter

Short Stories Essay Lamb to the Slaughter

Short Story – Lamb to the Slaughter

Symbol of The Lamb in Lamb to The Slaughter by Roald Dahl

The lamb to the slaughter


Roald Dahl

originally published

September 1953


"Lamb to the Slaughter" is a 1954 short story by Roald Dahl. It was initially rejected, along with four other stories, by The New Yorker, but was published in Harper's Magazine in September 1953. It was adapted for an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents that starred Barbara Bel Geddes and Harold J. Stone.


Short story by Roald Dahl

Produced by: Joan Harrison

Episode no: Season 3; Episode 28

Featured music: Charles Gounod

Original air date: April 13, 1958

Dahl began writing in 1942 with a story about being shot down while fighting in North Africa. Violence, whether associated with warfare or with crime, continued to fascinate Dahl and was a focus even in his children’s stories. “Lamb to the Slaughter” was written in 1953, the Post-War period.

The protagonist of “Lamb to the Slaughter”, Patrick Maloney embodies characteristics of a Shakespearean tragic hero and whose death follows the pattern of a tragedy. Mr. Maloney is a character of high estate and he is well respected, however, his hamartia of unfaithfulness makes him a tragic hero.

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