Exploring Inorganic Compounds: Structures and Classification

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Introduction to Inorganic Compounds


1 Identify and draw the structures of methane, ethane, ethene and ethanol.
2 State the type of compound present, given a chemical name ending in -ane, -ene and -ol, or a molecular structure.


3 Describe the concept of homologous series of alkanes and alkenes as families of compounds with similar properties.
4 Name, identify and draw the structures of the unbranched alkanes and alkenes (not
cis-trans), containing up to four carbon atoms per molecule.

P1 Identify and draw the structures of methane, ethane, ethene and ethanol.


(Hydrogen:4 Carbon:1)



Double bonded. 2 Carbon, 4 hydrgon C2H4


2 State the type of compound present, given a chemical name ending in -ane, -ene and -ol, or a molecular structure.

3 Describe the concept of homologous series of alkanes and alkenes as families of compounds with similar properties.

Alkanes form a homologous series,with the general formula CnH2n+2

Homologous means that they have similar properties and structure, differing only in the number of CH2 units.

Members in the same homologous series see a change in physical properties , for example, the boiling point increases and the chain becomes longer.

Same applies to alkenes, with the difference that Alkenes have the general formula CnH2n

4 Name, identify and draw the structures of the unbranched alkanes and alkenes (not
cis-trans), containing up to four carbon atoms per molecule.

If all the carbon atoms of the molecule are in one continuous chain, it is referred to as unbranched or linear.

PENTANE: unbranched.



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Exploring Inorganic Compounds: Structures and Classification. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/exploring-inorganic-compounds-structures-and-classification/

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