Application Essay to the University of Michigan Admission Essay

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The University of Michigan being known for its position as a center of excellence and a representation of a school that aims to nurture a certain pedigree of students that have a common goal of making the world better is of much interest to be part of. I was attracted to the institution because of the fact that the institution is highly ranked for its academic quality and for producing high-profile alumni across the world. I was also attracted to the university because of its truly holistic university experience inside and outside the classroom. The university offers opportunities to pursue a degree in economics as an internationally acknowledged institution.

My interest to study in the Ross School of Business was instigated as the school is identified globally to have an entrepreneurial spirit, intensive pedagogy, and state of the art facilities that would be a chance to complete my degree in economics and entrepreneurship. With the known academic excellence and a conducive environment to study, which is brought about by the intellectually curious and competitive student body, I look forward to putting my best foot forward and challenging myself to outshine the qualities that I consider as my potential.

My potential as an entrepreneur and an economic analyst was inspired by my mother since I was a young child. I spent most of my entire weekends since childhood assisting my mother with the setting up of her booth for earning income. My mother would sell her Indian clothing line at the booth, where she could make up to $80. Learning from her perseverance and hard work, I got motivated to study entrepreneurship and economics to make the most out of my future endeavors as a business person. Growing up with the business mindset, I managed to put up a small table and stool outside my mother’s retail store after my fourth grade. At the stall, I was motivated to market products and services such as lemonade stands and handmade jewelry. Studying at the Michigan Ross School of Business, I hope to make better my entrepreneurial skills after I complete my studies.

Scholars in business assert that an understanding of business requires skills that extend beyond simple academics. I believe that Ross School of Business would provide me with the knowledge from myriad fields. From the limited experience I have heard in the past, I believe that business education has failed me in keeping up with the technological advancements. Business has been taught in some institutions as a theoretical subject without an understanding of the real-world implications. In my struggle to earn a living from my business after my fourth grade, I issued flyers in a three-block radius to bring attention to my stand as the flyers made it look attractive. I believe that Michigan University would provide me with a unique opportunity to implement business theories and further increase my understanding of concepts.

Information from the University of Michigan indicates that students from the Ross School of Business have access to several internship opportunities as well as opportunities to participate in foreign exchange programs. I am greatly attracted to the Institution’s academic programs as I believe that the system would add a new and enriching dimension to my experience in college. The institution offers an experience of 15:1 ratio, which is the ratio of the privilege of students learning from teachers who are the pioneers in their branches of study. Considering the fact that the University of Michigan will expand my horizons of knowledge in business, I believe that the school fits into my criteria of a university that would help me become successful as an entrepreneur.

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Application Essay to the University of Michigan Admission Essay. (2022, Aug 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/application-essay-to-the-university-of-michigan/

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