A Study on Symbolism in The Great Gatsby

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There are many reasons why Scott Fitzgerald is renowned as one of the greatest authors of hisS Crat atch nof Eitzoralde ct fam e hila th aro cotioe ntanocof th c of symbolism, some of those most important to the themes in The Great Gatsby are the East and west Eggs, the green light, and the eyes of T.J. ECkleburg. rom the very first chapter, there is a noticeable diference between the two parts of the city. In tact, Nick make the point that west Egg is, thewell, the less tashionable of the two (9). Ine importance o this difference lies in the fact that one of the major themes of the novel is class and social standing. for the hamier hu hoin nhsil earation ot the tun casceThe nnle linin East Egg.

Tom and Daisy, are the more refined of the two groups. They represent the old money and are especiy supercdl and eerisuc nose wn0 Come rom west E09. On tne Oner and, are nota sopnisucle in tne eyes or ne East Eggers, and cannot nave a ruy nign socal Stanaing egardesS of now wealthy they are, since they are new money. Ine social barrier is can be tound in that Gatsby Cannot have Daisy because she is a true rich girl, and the fact that neither lom nor Daisy are willing to accept what the see at Gatsbys second party, even though Tom is being hypocritical when you consider tnat his ow parties were nomore reinea n nature than asbys. Gatspy is nopelessiy separated rom nis aream, ast Egg is Separared from west Egg. In addition to the physical gap that Gatsby wishes to close, the green light coming from Daisys dock symbolizes tne longing Gatsby nas ror Daisy.

Addinonalily, t also represents aSbys great dream a wnole. He ongs ror wean and acceptance as well as Daisy. No now much ne nas, nowever, nis onging isS Sn tnere as long as Daisy is not witn nim, since everything eise ne wants Is in &actuaiy just part of his dream to have DaiSy again. It is worth taking note that his longing is represented by the olor green, wnich is associated witn money and envy. so, tne green lignt that alwaysburns at the end the green light: “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by vear recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter- tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.. And one fine morning- “(189).

A Tial maor symbo1 or ne Great GaisDy is tne Dboara near wisons garage, Wn tne eyes of Dr. Eckieburg. Because most of the characters do not seem to have any values or guilt ror their misdeeds, Hitzgerald implements the eyes of Eckleburg as a means of judging those who do not fear there, esneciallv the conflict between Tom. Mvrtle and George. (and Daisy to some extent) where they are all cheating on one another, and of course, Myrtles death due to the careless behavior of Daisy. itzgerald uses the judging eyes of ECKIeburg to empnasize the lack of guilt in this Culture, and to make a point that perhaps these crimes do need to be punished.


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A Study on Symbolism in The Great Gatsby. (2023, Mar 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-study-on-symbolism-in-the-great-gatsby/

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