A Review of David Sedaris Jesus Shaves and Raymond Carvers Cathedral

  • Updated August 30, 2022
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I am choosing to write about the story Jesus Shaves by David Sedaris, I think that the theme could be that it is hard to hear other peoples thoughts or beliefs and actually think they make sense. When the class begins to talk about Easter that is when the differences start to show because of course each person celebrates every holiday a different way. For example, the polish people in the class celebrate Easter as “a party for a little boy of God who call himself Jesus,” but the narrator doesn’t just see the holiday as just being about the resurrection of Jesus. When he brings up the Easter bunny there becomes a big diversity on who actually brings the chocolate on Easter. To the rest of the class a “bell from Rome flies in to deliver chocolate” is more familiar to them than some Easter bunny. The narrator then goes on to basically make fun of the fact that the class believes a bell delivers chocolate to them. Of course this idea seems funny because its not something that she believes in nor would she have everthought it was a real thing.

Cathedral by Raymond Carver has a theme about not judging a book by its cover. The narrator seems to be judging Robert before he gets to know him personally. In a way he is sort of jealous in a childish sort of manner because of how he stereotypes blind people. “His being blind bothered me,” he made it very clear that he did not look forward to him visiting or even the simple fact that his wife was friends with him to begin with. His wife insisted on him being nice to Robert, their visitor, which annoyed him even more. The narrator just seems like the kind of person that everything happened too and he did not do anything about it. Even though he did not like his wife being friends with the blind man he did not say anything instead he made up stereotypes and gave him self reasons why he did not like him. It was almost like he was trying to convince himself that this man was more important to his wife than him. In Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been? I thik the theme is this sort of good versus evil type of situation. More as in Connie is the good not so good little girl and Arnold Friend of the bad.

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A Review of David Sedaris Jesus Shaves and Raymond Carvers Cathedral. (2022, Aug 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-review-of-david-sedaris-jesus-shaves-and-raymond-carvers-cathedral/

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