VoiceThread Script and Annotated Bibliography

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This document has two purposes. First and foremost, it will help you plan your VoiceThread (VT). In addition, it will help you document and credit your sources, which is important to do for all academic work. Script For each VT slide, type an image description and narration. Both components are required. For each VT slide, you may also insert an actual image. This component is optional. An image description is sufficient. For images, search the Flickr Creative Commons and other websites. Slide 1 Image (optional): Insert your image here. Image Description: This is the picture of the Laos art and craft handworks for their pop culture. Narration: For many years, in Laos individuals developed their very own food and made their own garments, houses, machines, bins and different things they expected to live. The learning of how to do these abilities was passed on from parent to tyke, starting with one age then onto the next. The bins, materials, and different things individuals made were both lovely and valuable.

These kinds of hand-made things are known as customary fine arts. The general population who make them are customary or society specialists. Circumstances are different and the manner in which individuals live in Laos has additionally changed. The vast majority in Laos presently go to the store or market to purchase whatever nourishment they eat and things they required for the home. This is additionally valid for the Lao people group living in Oregon. Here individuals keep making customary fine arts for unexpected reasons in comparison to they did in Laos. Their work of art is a support of the entire network. Each piece they make shows the Lao youngsters their social customs. The society expressions likewise enable the more established individuals to feel comfortable in their new land. Slide 2 Image (optional): Insert your image here. Image Description: This is the image of the Laos sandpaper handicrafts work. Narration: Paper has been made by turn in the more extensive district for more than 700 years utilizing the bark of the neighborhood saw or mulberry tree (Broussonetia papyrifera vent). The bark is squashed and absorbed water until the point when it had broken up into a glue.

The fluid is then scooped out, poured through a bamboo strainer lastly put in a thin layer on a bamboo quaint little inn in the sun. Customarily SA paper was utilized for calligraphy and for making bubbly sanctuary improvements, umbrellas, fans, and kites. In previous occasions, it was additionally utilized as a channel in the make of finish product. As of late the craft of SA paper craftsmanship has been restored, especially in Luang Prabang where it is presently used to make lampshades, composing paper, welcome cards, and bookmarks. Slide 3 Image (optional): Insert your image here. Image Description: This is the image of the Laos handcrafts and their historical background and this is famous for wearable clothing. Narration: As somewhere else in the area, Lao specialties developed basically as an outflow of the custom or user needs of provincial society, in spite of the fact that state intercession started at an early date with the appointing of superb art things for the Lao illustrious courts and sanctuaries. Following the foundation of the National School of Fine Arts (now the National Faculty of Fine Arts) in 1959, the Royal Lao Government acquainted various activities with the build up the art segment for both local and outside business sectors. Be that as it may, by 1975 art items were as yet not contributing essentially to the nation’s outside exchange. At the season of composing there are a little more than 26,000 enrolled little craftsmanship organizations in Laos.

Lao specialty creation as of now represents only less than 15 percent of aggregate modern yield, and the administration is looking to expand this. The significance of the painstaking work part to the Lao economy is delineated by the way that when an industry and workmanship presentation is held around 80-90 percent of the items in plain view are crafted works. Materials as of now make up the biggest single region of all Lao specialty creation. Slide 4 Image (optional): Insert your image here. Image Description: This is just image how the Laos textiles industry and their one of the picture. Narration: The creation of woven and weaved materials is without a doubt the most productive of every single conventional specialty in Laos. Delivered in a wide range of styles and colored in a scope of various hues as indicated by the topographical provenance and ethnicity of the weavers, silk and cotton material is hand-woven on customary wooden casing looms by the ethnic Lao and most other Tai-talking ethnicities to make the pervasive fold over skirts with extravagantly flanked sews (pha sin), stylized shawls (pha biang), bear sacks and numerous different articles of Lao conventional apparel.

Slide 5 Image (optional): Insert your image here. Image Description: This is the image of the Laos Ceramics and their pottery items and their different design. Narration: In 1970 sections of both coated and unglazed product dating from the fifteenth to the seventeenth hundreds of years were uncovered from the Sisatthanak Kiln Site in Vientiane’s Sisatthanak District, recommending that amid the Lane Xang period Lao furnaces were delivering astounding celadon. Unearthings in the region of Ban Xang Hai on the edges of Luang Prabang in 1991 likewise uncovered the remaining parts of furnaces and pieces of dark colored coated containers. Present day earthenware generation in Laos is embraced for the most part on a modern premise by organizations working in real focuses of the populace, for example, Vientiane or Savannakhet. Be that as it may, a couple of conventional earthenware production towns have survived and keep on delivering utilitarian ceramics things went for both the household and outside business sectors. Maybe the best-known about these is Ban Chan in Luang Prabang. Slide 6 Image (optional): Insert your image here.

Image Description: This is the image of the Gold and silverware item and their pop culture design. Narration: Archeological proof demonstrates that gold and silversmithing was honed from an early date in those territories of current Laos which once framed a piece of the Khmer domain (ninth thirteenth hundreds of years). In any case, huge advancement of this art did not occur until the principal half of the sixteenth century, when a class of gifted gold and silversmiths rose at the illustrious court of Xiang Dong Xiang Thong (Luang Prabang), most likely affected by Lanna, a vital early focal point of gold and flatware creation. Slide 7 Image (optional): Insert your image here. Image Description: This is the image if the Buddha and handcraft woodcarving design of the God Buddha. Narration: Woodcarving customarily filled in as a sculptural workmanship, and with the spread of Buddhism it expected an undeniably imperative job in the generation of Buddha pictures and the cutting of sanctuary and castle entryway outlines, columns, rooftops, lintels and brightening friezes. Amid the Lane Xang period, gifted craftsmen were likewise utilized to create illustrious positions of royalty, fancy wooden furniture, regal canal boats and different types of superb and noble transportation, for example, palanquins and elephant howdahs.

By the mid-twentieth century their work had extended to incorporate the generation of great tables, seats, and cupboards for a developing urban white collar class. Slide 8 Image (optional): Insert your image here. Image Description: This is the image of Buddha sculpture and painted into the golden color design. Narration: Lao craftsmen have, all through the past, utilized an assortment of media in their sculptural manifestations. Of the metals, bronze is presumably the most well-known, yet gold and silver pictures additionally exist. Regularly, the valuable metals are utilized just for little items, however, some substantial pictures have been thrown in gold, most strikingly the Phra Sai of the sixteenth century, which the Siamese conveyed home as plunder in the late eighteenth century. Annotated Bibliography For each source, type an APA citation, source description (1-2 sentences), and information summary (1-2 sentences). All three components are required. Use reputable sources (e.g. government sites, journals, BBC, Economist, New York Times, etc.). Use as many sources as necessary. For help with citations, visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab and/or the NCSU Libraries Citation Builder.

  1. Source 1 APA Citation: Author. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http:// Source Description: Describe your source here. Information Summary: Summarize the relevant information here.
  2. Source 2 APA Citation: Author. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http:// Source Description: Describe your source here. Information Summary: Summarize the relevant information here.
  3. Source 3 APA Citation: Author. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http:// Source Description: Describe your source here. Information Summary: Summarize the relevant information here.
  4. Source 4 APA Citation: Author. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http:// Source Description: Describe your source here. Information Summary: Summarize the relevant information here.

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VoiceThread Script and Annotated Bibliography. (2022, Oct 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/voicethread-script-and-annotated-bibliography/

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