Unit 2: Exponents and Algebra

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Unit 2 Exponents and Algebra

1. Exponent Laws
a) Product Rule: xmxn=xm+n
Examples: Simplify
b) Quoent Rule: xmxn=xm-n
Examples: Simplify
c) Power of a Power Rule: xmn=xmn
Examples: Simplify
Some more exponent rules:

2. Distribuve Property: ab+c=ab+ac
Examples: Simplify
3. Simplifying expressions (Adding and Subtracng Polynomials)
Examples: Simplify
3(x + 5)-2(x-6)
=3x + 35-2x-26 Distribute
=3x+15-2x+12 Simplify (Multiply)
=3x-2x+15+12 Collect Like Terms
=x+27 Simplify (Add/Subtract)

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Unit 2: Exponents and Algebra. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/unit-2-exponents-and-algebra/

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