Understanding Relations and Functions: Domain, Range, and the Vertical Line Test

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Relations & Functions

A relationship can be shown between numbers in several ways: table of values, equation, graph, words, mappings.

The first variable in a relation is called the independent variable.

The second variable is the dependent variable.

Domain – the set of values for which the independent variable is defined.

Range – the set of values of the dependent variable (determined by the values in the domain)

Function- a relation in which there is only one value of the dependent variable for each value of the independent variable.

How do we tell if a relation is a function? One way….

The vertical line test (VLT)

This is a function since the VL passes through one point.

This relation is not a function since the VL goes through two points.

This relation is not a function since the VL goes through two points

For each of the following relations, determine

  • domain & range
  • whether or not it is a function

1) {(1,2), (2,3), (3,5), (4,7)}

a) Domain ={1,2,3,4}


b) This relation is a function by the VLT

2) y=x2



a) Domain ={ x∈R }

{the set of real numbers}

Range = {y∈R,y≥0}

a) Domain ={ x∈R,-4≤x≤4 }

Range = {y∈R ,-4≤y≤4 }

b) This is not a function by the VLT.

(for any value of x, there are two values of y)

Mapping Notation

a) Domain ={1,2,3,4}


{(2,1),(2,3),(3,5),(4,5), (5,7)}

This relation is not a function since there two possible values of y (y=18, y=3) when x=2

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Understanding Relations and Functions: Domain, Range, and the Vertical Line Test. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/understanding-relations-and-functions-domain-range-and-the-vertical-line-test/

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