The Lasting Memories of Spring Breaks The Trips to Panama City Beach

  • Updated October 13, 2022
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When the school year starts, whether you are in high school or college, the one thing every student looks forward to are the school breaks. However, the most anticipating break of all is Spring Break. Spring Break is a time to enjoy Panama City Beach, hang with friends, and party nonstop. No other break can compare to Spring Break. When Spring Break comes almost everyone goes to Panama City Beach. There are so many things to admire and enjoy about Panama City. Most people go to Panama City to walk on the infamous strip and catch colorful beads from strangers. While others go to simply enjoy the beautiful beach and lay out to tan. Although the strip and the beach are amazing sites in PC, that is not all it has. There is the tasty Pineapple Willy’s restaurant, Pierre Park for shopping, and the mind blowing Edgewater Suites also. Panama City is the place to be for Spring Break!

While at Spring Break you can also just hang out with your friends. Even though most people see their friends’ every day, the ones’ who have friends’ who live in other states can see them at Spring Break. Most friends hang out on the balcony of the hotels, and wait to find someone to walk by worth throwing beads at. Others write their names’ in the sand and take pictures that capture memories forever. Somehow, and I don’t know why, majority of friends’ walk up and down the strip and make new friends’. There is nothing like making new friends’ with your long time friends’.

The final amazing thing about Spring Break is the nonstop partying. That is mainly the reason everyone travels to Panama City for Spring Break. Partying at Club La Vela is something every Spring Breaker looks forward to. Of course with partying comes illegal drinking. Most of the underage drinkers consider it legal until you get caught. Not only does Club La Vela have crazy parties, but the guys with the booze, bright beads, and bad music have them as well. At those parties you wake up forgetting how you got there. No school break can leave lasting memories in your mind like Spring Break. Without Panama City, hanging with friends, and nonstop parties Spring Break would not be as amazing as it is. Spring Break is the best!

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The Lasting Memories of Spring Breaks The Trips to Panama City Beach. (2022, Oct 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-lasting-memories-of-spring-breaks-the-trips-to-panama-city-beach/

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