The Equation of a Line in Standard Form: Ax + By + C = 0

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The Equation of a Line in Standard Form: Ax + By + C = 0

The equation of a line can be expressed in different ways:
• Recall the equation of the line in slope yintercept form: y=mx+b
• Standard form: Ax+By+C=0
– A, B, and C are integers (No fractions)
– Both A and B are not equal to 0 (A0 and B0)
– The coefficient of the xterm is always positive

Example 1: Convert, y = -2x + 4 from Slope yintercept form to Standard Form

Solution: y=-2x+4
Y+2x-4=0 Transpose all terms so they are on the left. What happens to a term when you transpose it? (The sign change)
2x+y-4=0 Are all the conditions for Standard form met? (Yes)

Example 2: Rearrange the equation from Standard Form to express it in the form of y=mx+b.

a) x + 5y- 6 = 0
b) 8x-4y-20 = 0
a) x + 5y- 6 = 0
Solve for y.
b) 8x-4y-20 = 0

Example 3: The Celebrations Banquet Hall uses the equation

15n-C+750=0 to determine the cost for a hall rental, where C represents the cost, in dollars, which depends on n, the number of people attending.
a) Express the equation in slope yintercept form: C = mn + b
b) Identify the fixed and variable costs
Fixed cost is $750
Variable cost is 15n
c) What is the rental cost if 150 people attend a soccer banquet?
Sub. n=150
∴ The rental cost would be $3000.00
d) Illustrate the relation graphically.

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The Equation of a Line in Standard Form: Ax + By + C = 0. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-equation-of-a-line-in-standard-form-ax-by-c-0/

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