The Characteristics of Toni Morrison That Makes Her a Great American Author

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What makes the greatest American author? America views a great author based on a writer’s literature dialogue. But also look through the way that a writer is able to get their readers attention. Toni Morrison is a type of author that is influential to her readers by viewing her own opinion about American Literature, and in the way she appeals to her readers. Morrison is able to show emotional appeal, logical and factual evidence to have her be considered a great American author. Morrison is an African American novelist, editor, and play wright. Her novels are known for her epic themes, vivid dialogue, and richly detailed characters. She personally tries to influence African American women because she sees a problem in the way they are viewed. First of all starting off with how Morrison’s readers react to her writing using emotional appeal. First one of her reader states, “What she did was liberate us, liberate black women to embrace race and gender.” This was said by Morrison scholar Durthy A. Washington, who is the author of a study guide that examines her most significant works.

In addition Morrison’s fan Operah Winfrey stated, “I got all turned around in Morrison’s writing, of going over the same paragraphs, the same pages….” Operah Winfrey just like all the other readers that read Morrison’s works gets attached to her writing. Finally another reader states, “Just can’t get over the magnificence of Morrison’s writing, the raw beauty of it.” This reader reacted to the Artist as Outsiders in the Novel of Morrison and Virginia Woolf. Morrison has a great effect on her reader’s emotional appeals. Next, Morrison views American literature through logic. She is trying to reshape how society views her race of African Americans through her writing. Her presence has reshaped her American literature, but also her wider impact and appeal and the increasing transnationalism of her engagements and of scholar dialogues about her work. First she states, “I have to tell you that nothing is more important than this generation.” She argues that writers have to make the most about what they are writing about because they are causing an effect to the next generation. Then she keeps on saying,” Nothing is more important to us than our children. And if they think that they are not important to us and this world it’s because we haven’t told them.” She wants other authors to understand that American literature affects what the next generation will become. And those writers should use their literature to shape the next generation perspectives. Next she states, “…I have to start somewhere. I may go back and I may go forward.”

Again she is trying to point out that the entire existence of all African Americans is her conversation, and she has to take all of it and express it through her writing. Morrison expressed logically her thoughts very effectively. Furthermore, Morrison’s works demonstrate how much her readers are interested in her works which have recognized her for the awards that she deserves. I will be using factual evidence to state some awards that Morrison has been recognized for. For instance, “But “Beloved” which she wrote in 1987 was proven to be one of her greatest masterpiece.” she won several literary awards, including the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. This novel catches reader’s attention by the way that Morrison explores love and supernatural that a slave had to faces to make her children suffer less. Then Morrison wrote “Sula” in 1973 which. In this novel she wrote about the good and evil that can grow in very close relationships, which also catches reader’s attention. The novel was nominated for the American Book Award for the recognition from her readers. A reader states, “The images are all indicated in Toni’s writing, so that I could dream just what Toni dreamed….” Readers are able to identify themselves with what Morrison wants them to take away from her works and that’s what makes a great American author. Altogether, Morrison is able to give her readers what they want which makes a great American author. Not only does she make her readers interested on her books but also writes to influence groups of people, especially African American women . Morrison successfully approaches her readers through emotional appeal, logic, and factual evidence and view herself as a great American author.

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The Characteristics of Toni Morrison That Makes Her a Great American Author. (2022, Aug 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-characteristics-of-toni-morrison-that-makes-her-a-great-american-author/

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