Session 18 – Reading 70 – The Portfolio Management Process and the Investm

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Session 18-Reading 70, The Portfolio Management Process and the Investm

(Practice Questions, Sample Questions)

Session 18: Portfolio Management: Capital Market Theory and the Portfolio Management Process
Reading 70: The Portfolio Management Process and the Investment Policy Statement
LOS b: Describe the steps of the portfolio management process and the components of those steps.

1.Which of the following is not part of the general steps of the portfolio management process?

A) Feedback.
B) Performance evaluation.
C) Planning.

Explanation: (B) Performance evaluation is a substep under the feedback process. The three general steps are planning, execution, and feedback, in that order
2. In which step of the portfolio management process developing an IPS occur?

A) Planning.
B) Strategic asset allocation.
C) Feedback

Explanation: (A) Developing an IPS occurs in the planning steps of the process. The purpose of developing an IPS is to govern decision making.
3. Which of the following most accurately identifies the three main steps in the portfolio management process?

A) Planning, execution, feedback.
B) Objectives, constraints, risk tolerance.
C) Planning, asset allocation, security selection
Explanation: (A) The three main steps in the portfolio management process are planning, execution, and feedback. The other items listed are subcomponents of these steps
4. Which of the following is not considered to be an investment constraint?

A) Risk tolerance.
B) Tax concerns.
C) Time horizon

Explanation: (A) An investor’s risk tolerance is included under objectives. Constraints include liquidity needs, time horizon, tax concerns, legal and regulatory factors, and unique circumstances

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Session 18 – Reading 70 – The Portfolio Management Process and the Investm. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/session-18-reading-70-the-portfolio-management-process-and-the-investm/

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