Session 17 – Reading 62 Option Markets and Contracts-LOS d

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CFA Level 2 – Derivative Investments, Session 17-Reading 62

Option Markets and Contracts-LOS d
(Practice Questions, Sample Questions)

1. The value of a put option is positively related to all of the following EXCEPT:

A) time to maturity.
B) exercise price.
C) risk-free rate.

Explanation — (C) The value of a put option is negatively related to increases in the risk-free rate
2. The value of a European call option on an asset with no cash flows is positively related to all of the following EXCEPT:

A) exercise price.
B) time to exercise.
C) risk-free rate

Explanation — (A) The value of a call option decreases as the exercise price increases

3. Which of the following option sensitivities measures the change in the price of the option with respect to a decrease in the time to expiration?

A) Gamma.
B) Theta.
C) Delta

Explanation — (B) Theta describes the change in option price in response to the passage of time. Since option holders would prefer that value not decay too quickly, an option with a low theta value is desirable
4. For a change in which of the following inputs into the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model will the direction of the change in a put’s value and the direction of the change in a call’s value be the same?

A) Volatility.
B) Exercise price.
C) Risk-free rate

Explanation — (A) A decrease/increase in the volatility of the price of the underlying asset will decrease/increase both put values and call values. A change in the values of the other inputs will have opposite effects on the values of puts and calls

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Session 17 – Reading 62 Option Markets and Contracts-LOS d. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/session-17-reading-62-option-markets-and-contracts-los-d/

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