Rules of Dating in College 

  • Updated February 24, 2021
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“Don’t take the ladies serious when it comes to dating while in college”. “Guys in college are a no-no for dating”, “Dating in college don’t ever work out”… there are so many myths about college dating that it’s petty okay if you have reservations concerning dating anyone while in college. But are these myths really true? And have there not been love stories of people who dated in college and eventually got married?

Have there been people who had dating relationships in college that worked out fine? If yes, then it means it’s possible to have a dating relationship that truly turns out perfect. To get a dating relationship that works out, there are a few rules you may have to keep in mind so you make the most of your dating, and possibly progress further.

Dating Requires Time Management

Learning to place priority on your time even when you have met that special someone is crucial to having a sustainable relationship. Time management involves effectively scheduling when you hang out with your date, study or hang out with friends.

Consistently being with your date is very unhealthy, as both of you should learn how to lead individual lives. That’s how to soar well as a couple, and have a sustainable relationship; you don’t want to come out as being clingy, so give yourselves space to breathe.

Forget the Fantasy

BU social life can be intimidating if you don’t settle your priorities. It’s not uncommon to see roomies brag about how much they invest into their own dates, and you begin to think your date doesn’t care much about you. Desist from ever comparing your relationship with that of another.

Remember that your date is a student, and as such money on luxury dinners and fantasy journeys may not be a priority now, so rather than crave these, patiently build a relationship that isn’t focused on luxuries; it often pays in the end.

Define what You Want

As part of BU social life, you will find students who date exclusively and others who don’t. And in truth, it’s all a matter of preference. So it’s paramount that you and your date define from the onset what you want out of your relationship. There are people, who don’t believe in dating exclusively; which means even though they are dating you, they believe they can also date others, and they have no reservations if you do too.

If that’s not the kind of dating you envision, then it’s fine not to progress with it; else you both will be on different pages. If you want an exclusive date, then spell it out from the onset, and you don’t need to compromise until you find what you want.


No relationship that is clearly defined should face hassles; the issue in most dating often emanates from a lack of proper communication of expectations. If expectations are properly communicated, then you can now set rules that can properly help you make the most of the relationship; rules that will make you accountable to your partner and yourself.

Dating in college doesn’t have to end in heart ache or breaks. Take time out and clearly define your relationship, and set out rules that will clearly make it work.

Cite this paper

Rules of Dating in College . (2021, Feb 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/rules-of-dating-in-college/

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