Robot Arm Complete

  • Updated August 3, 2023
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Robot Arm Complete

Then, you can do a similar analysis for y. And to save time, we’ve put this on the p set. You find that delta y is approximately equal to delta theta. This is the linear approximation step. Now that we are solving the problem. let us check our work. It is known that delta L minus delta theta equals delta x and that delta theta equals delta y. We want the value of delta x to be 0 and the value of delta y to be 0.1. One reason we want this is because we want the tip of the finger to move from 2 comma one to 2 comma 1.1. The change in x, or delta x. is 0. And the change in y. or delta y. is 0.1. We put that in here because delta L minus delta theta is 0 and delta theta is 0.1. We want to find the values of delta L and delta theta. We can read off directly that delta L is 0.1 and delta theta is also 0.1. We solve for delta L, which we get as 0.1, and then we solve for delta theta, which also comes out to 0.1. Know ΔL-Δθ=Δx Δθ=Δy Want Δx=0 Δy=0.1 ΔL-Δθ=0 =ΔL=0.1 Δθ=0.1 Δθ=0.1

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Robot Arm Complete. (2023, Aug 03). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/robot-arm-complete/

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