IGCSE History: World War I – Verdun

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IGCSE History: World War I – Verdun

Battle of Verdun: (21st February – 18th December, 1916)

Verdun and its defenses:

  • Consisted of 12 fortresses.
  • Was very well fortified.
  • It was a symbol of French pride.

Battle plan:

  • The first act was a thorough shelling of the French defenses using 1 200 guns.
  • Then a battle of attrition.
  • Very much alike to the tactics used at the Somme.

Impact of the Battle on soldiers:

  • Huge loss of morale:
  • One wrote that “we are lost!”
  • Another soldier reports that they had been “thrown into the furnace!”
  • Living under constant shell fire resulted in shellshock.
  • 40 million artillery shells had been fired by both sides.

German generals believed that for each German soldier to die 3 French soldiers would fall:

  • It was not so.
  • This was the policy of attrition.

Both German and French soldiers gassed their enemies whenever it was possible to do so.

  • Caught in underground chambers beneath the French forts.

The 12 French forts were lost in February but recaptured in October with great loss of life.

  • The battle ended with 377 000 French soldiers MIA.

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IGCSE History: World War I – Verdun. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/igcse-history-world-war-i-verdun/

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