IGCSE History: World War I – British Blockade

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IGCSE History: World War I – British Blockade

The Effects of the British Blockade: (1917-18)

The British Blockade was most useful in the final 18 months of the war:

  • This was when the Germans really started running out of resources.
  • Previously they had enough resources and were not as bothered by the blockade.
  • Denmark and Sweden agreed to limit their exports of dairy products and iron ore to Germany.
  • The USA joined the Allies in April 1917 and ended all trade with Germany.
  • The blockade was important in the eventual defeat of Germany.

The blockade ensured that:

  • Germany was short on Iron ore and chemicals with which to make weapons and gas.
  • In spring 1918 Ludendorff gambled everything on an outright victory before Germany was starved out of the War.
  • Food shortages caused a series of revolutions from October to November 1918 in which the Kaiser abdicated to Holland and the SPD came to power.

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IGCSE History: World War I – British Blockade. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/igcse-history-world-war-i-british-blockade/

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