IGCSE History: Germany – Reorganization of the Nazi Party 1924-8

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IGCSE History: Germany – Reorganization of the Nazi Party 1924-8

Reorganization tactics

  • 1925: relaunches Nazi Party
  • Offices set up in major cities
  • Became more than just a local party
  • Secretary and treasurer appointed
  • Party divided into regions
  • Improved finances by befriending wealthy businessmen
    • They hated communism, as they would take over businesses
    • Hoped Hitler would limit the power of trade unions
  • Increased membership
    • Despite increased membership, in May 1928 the Nazis only had 12 seats in the Reichstag
    • Realized the need to focus on the elections rather membership

Nazi methods to gain support

  • Winning over the working class
    • Increased anti-Jewish propaganda, which was popular with the working class
  • Mein Kampf (published 1925)
    • Gained publicity – became best-seller
    • Nazi ideology, especially anti-Jewish and anti-Versailles views, gained popularity
  • 1928: tried to appeal to farmers
    • Blamed communists for the mistreatment of farmers
    • Played on their fear of communists, who if in power would take over their property
    • Promised to get rid of communists
  • Public meetings
    • Sensitive propaganda – advertised whatever was popular
    • Focused on subjects that people thought important
    • Members trained in public speaking
    • Communication with public
  • The SA and SS
    • Extra income helped Hitler strengthen the SA
    • Membership grew to 400,000 by 1930
    • SA gave the impression of the Nazis having strength and order
    • The SS were Hitler’s personal bodyguards who also intimidated and showed order
  • Propaganda
    • Goebbels: propaganda manager for Nazis
    • Easy scapegoats for Germany’s problems: Jews, Communists, and the Weimar Republic for signing the Treaty of Versailles
    • 1930s: Hitler’s speeches reported in 120 Nazi newspapers and widely read
    • Most up-to-date technology used, including the radio, films, and gramophone records
    • Hitler kept in the public eye
    • Hitler flew by plane to different cities, allowing him to make speeches in up to 5 cities a day
    • Created a clear image of strength for the party:
      • Hitler’s passion
      • The spectacle of mass Nazi rallies
      • The impressive power of the SA and SS

Nazi Progress by 1928:

  • The party was well organized
  • 100,000 members
  • Hitler was now a national figure
  • However, there were some disadvantages:
    • Hyperinflation had eased, unemployment decreased, and the public were better off
    • This meant they were less likely to support extremists
    • 1925: Hindenburg, an army general, became President, boosting the reputation of the WR
    • Voters still supported the moderate parties
    • May 1928: Nazis win only 12 seats
    • 9th largest party in the Reichstag
    • Polled only 2.6% of votes

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IGCSE History: Germany – Reorganization of the Nazi Party 1924-8. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/igcse-history-germany-reorganization-of-the-nazi-party-1924-8/

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