IB Physics: Kinematics

  • Updated August 2, 2023
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IB Physics: Kinematics


Define displacement, velocity, speed and acceleration

Displacement: The distance moved in a particular direction by an object

  • Unit: Metre (m)
  • Scalar quantiy

Velocity: The displacement per unit time

  • Unit: Metres per Second (m/s)
  • Vector quantity
  • Equation: Displacement/Time

Speed: The distance travelled per unit time

  • Unit: Metres per Second (m/s)
  • Scalar quantity
  • Equation: Distance/Time

Acceleration: The rate of change of velocity

  • Unit: Metres per Second Squared (m/s-2)
  • Vector quantity
  • Equation: Change in Velocity/Time

Explain the difference between instantaneous and average values of speed, velocity and acceleration

Instantaneous Velocity: The velocity of an object at a certain point in time and the direction its travelling in

Average Velocity: The average of the given values of velocity

  • Remember that Velocity is relative meaning that the Velocity of an object is dependent on the obeserver for example, the speed of a bus will appear faster to someone standing still compared to someone walking.

Equation for Average Velocity: (Initial Velocity+Final Velocity)/Time

Equation for Instantaneous Velocity: Velocity Initial + (Acceleration* Time)

Outline the conditions under which the equations for uniformly accelerated motion may be applied

In one-dimensional motion, the acceleration, velocity and displacement are all in the same direction. Due to this we can deduce these equations:

A= Acceleration

S= Displacement

V= Final Velocity

U= Initial Velocity

T= Time

A= (V-U)/T

S= (U+V)T/2

S= UT+1/2AT^2

V^2= U^2+2AS

Determine relative velocity in one and in two dimensions

These are called the suvat equations and they all require acceleration in order to be used. Not only do these equations require acceleration but also because these equations are used in one dimension, velocity, displacement and acceleration can have a positive or negative value which indicates which direction they’re going in. This is mainly dependent on the question though but we can assume that positive velocity and displacement means the object is going right as the object can only go left or right. Acceleration is a bit more different since the acceleration can be positive even if the object is moving right or left.

Identify the acceleration of a body falling in a vacuum near the Earth’s motion

Occasionally in a question, you’ll be asked to use one of the suvat equations to find a variable for a body free falling. You will realize acceleration is not given since the acceleration of a free falling object is 9.81ms^-2. This is because the acceleration of a free falling body is dependent on the gravity of Earth therefore its 9.81ms^-2.

Cite this paper

IB Physics: Kinematics. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/ib-physics-kinematics/

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