IB Chemistry: Spontaneity

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IB Chemistry: Spontaneity



A spontaneous reaction is often defined as “a reaction that causes a system to move from a less stable to a more stable state”. This unit will focus on this idea of spontaneity, and how we can link the previous concepts of entropy and enthalpy to Spontaneity.

  1. Predict whether a reaction or process will be spontaneous by using the sign of ∆G
  • If ΔG < 0, then the reaction is spontaneous
  • If ΔG >0, then the reaction is non-spontaneous.
  1. Calculate ∆G for a reaction using the equation ∆G= ∆H- T∆S and by using values of the standard free energy change of formation, ∆G

Whether a reaction is spontaneous or not depends on three factors:

  • Enthalpy Change (ΔH)
  • Entropy (ΔS)
  • Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG)

An equation linking the these three values is:

ΔG = ΔH – T ΔS

Gibbs Free Energy = Enthalpy Change – Temperature x Entropy

Note: Temperature is measured in Kelvin, which can be calculated by 273 to the °C value you are given.

  1. Predict the effect of a change in temperature on the spontaneity of a reaction using standard entropy and enthalpy changes and the equation ∆G= ∆H -T∆S

I think I’ll do this problem using a table:

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IB Chemistry: Spontaneity. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/ib-chemistry-spontaneity/

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