Exploring Lines and Characteristics of Slope

  • Updated August 3, 2023
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Slope (or steepness) of lines is seen everywhere.
Engineers refer to the slope of a road as the grade. They often refer to the slope as a percentage.

Slope has no units since it is a ratio.

A grade of 8% would mean for every ran of 100 m, there is a rise of 8 m.
We use the letter m because in French the word for “to go up” is montor
The slope of a roof is known as the pitch

Example 1: Calculate the slope of each line segment


Example 2: A line segment has one endpoint, A(4,7), and a slope of -23 . Find the coordinates of another possible endpoint, B.

-Plot point A(4, 7)
-Use the slope
A possible point is B(7,5)
Another possible point is C(1,9)

Example 3: Draw lines with slopes of 1/2, 2, and -3.

Horizontal lines have a slope of 0.
Vertical lines have slopes which are undefined.

– A slope of -2 is the same as -21or2-1
– A slope of -23 is the same as -23or2-3
– A slope of 45 is the same as -4-5
– A line segment rising from left to right has a positive slope.
– A line segment falling left to right has a negative slope.

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Exploring Lines and Characteristics of Slope. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/exploring-lines-and-characteristics-of-slope/

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